Yeah, ive been gone for awhile (if anyone noticed). Fortunately i have had a nice little spell of LDs and have developed a new technique id thought id share.
The name basically says it all. It is a lucid dream that starts out as an out of body experience. Personally, i get SP a lot, and always take advantage of such to get into ‘floating state’ and into an Astral Projection or in other words intentional Out of Body Experience. It is very similar to getting ‘pulled out’ of your body and whatnot, starting out in your room by your bed and the like. But you can tell the instant you get out and begin to percieve that it is a mere LD. Personally, this has happened a few times. I would be frustrated and annoyed but i consider OBE and LD to be close in value, the difference being that OBE is exploration of the out and LD exploration of the in, for me.
It would greatly help if you have experienced OBE, and can tell the difference between OBE and LD while still having such. Then again, i guess no experience is required, so long as you are familiar with sleep paralysis, and floating state, basically just the concepts related to getting out of your body, and then sort of integrating that into an LD method.
This was inspired by my LD spell while i was away from these forums. After posting this ima post in my DJ the LD’s i had (one of them was my most lucid and longest LD, and quite funny my abstract mind was). The link is in my sig. end DJ advertisement
From my little experience I regard Projection and WILD separate, both of which I categorize under trance experiences.
I’ve had it happen, thinking it’s a Projection when it was just another LD. The two are interchangeable anyways, but one is much harder to achieve and hold.
I have a similar experience that has lead to many of my LDs… grant it has happened fewer times than it has lately, but I always called it WBTB/WILD/FA/LD or WBTB/WILD/RC/LD.
This usually happens when I either wake up and go back to sleep or purposefully perform a WBTB. I lie in bed half assedly WILDing, because I’m not really waiting to enter a dream world, I am going to force the dream world. I just wait until it feels like I am sleeping then I just sit up in bed and then my bedroom appears from no where and then a perform a quick RC to make sure I am dreaming, then fly out my bedroom window. If you open your eyes you will probably wake up, because I think the only reason this works is because of SP, otherwise would really sit up and get out of bed.
I find that this is similar to OBE, because this is usually how people get out of their bodies in OBE. I think it is just a matter of how you percieve it.
The second with the RC… it starts the same, but instead of getting out of bed I imagine my hands rubbing together and look at them, or I plug my nose and breath in and when I do this my bedroom or a dream scape comes into focus.
I think you would have success with this method, because it is so similar. This method may not be as stable as the other, but when it happens I always have full blown long (20-30 min) LD. The one advantage I see with this one is I don’t experience the shaking or the floating when in SP, it just feels like I am laying in bed. Maybe I am doing this before SP, but either way it has worked for me many times to basically for the dream state.
Good luck and thanks for solidifying that this type of technique isn’t just a fluke.