Foolproof theory to become lucid tonight

I do lot’s of reality checks, subliminal messaging, take lot’s of supplements, drink lot’s of herbal teas with herbs that are good for dream recall. I meditate a lot and I also record my dreams and do guided meditations every night. They have been a lot clearer lately and I have got very close at some points but are there any foolproof methods to achieve lucidity tonight? :grin: :help:

For someone in your position who is not experienced, perhaps it is not as foolproof as you would like, but WILD is considered to be pretty “foolproof” in that if you do it right you are guaranteed to have a lucid dream, as you enter directly from being awake to being in a lucid dream.

I’m really happy to hear about your success with having cleared dreams, and your enthusiasm and motivation will get you far in the dreaming world :smile: If you haven’t tried MILD along with what you’re doing right now, I would highly reccomend it. Telling yourself throughout the day that you will lucid dream tonight works wonders!

The vast majority of people have their first lucid dreams spontaneously, through things like MILD and just randomly becoming lucid, but you should still go ahead and give WILD based techniques ago, if not WILD then HILD or FILD (search these, they are great, have had great success).

Once again, seeing someone with your enthusiasm motivation is great! I’ve never seen someone such as yourself not succeed eventually, I wish you the very best of luck!

Thanks :smile: