I’m a musician and some of the things I’ve tried to do in my lucid dreams is perfect my art, usually by playing some guitar scales at lightning fast speed, or just memorizing the fretboard or something. Sometimes though I’ve had dreams where I’ve met some of my heros. Just the other night I dreamed I met John Mayer for the second time. Unfortunately I wasn’t lucid. We talked about how to play some stuff off of his new album, and I watched him play a couple of chords, unfortunately I woke up hazy and couldn’t remember how he played them. I know that it WAS a song off of the album that I had been listening to before. I also met Metallica a couple of times under similar circumstances. Now, my question is. If I were lucid when I had met them, and asked them for advice on how to play something a certain way, could I expect any more a positive response than the usual nonsense that DC’s dish out? Has anyone here who plays an instrument ever received and help or teaching advice from a famous (or not so famous) DC before?
I’m not sure, but I think a lot of people got inspiration from their dreams…
Might I recommend you check out the “Fruits of Lucidity” Board?
Now why didn’t I think of that in the first place?
that is a really cool idea, composing would seem to be a lot easier in LD’s (at least I think it would be) and you could force your brain to remember scales good idea killaklown!
i’ve recreated a few riffs i’ve made up while dreaming(not lucid)
but that’s about it…
I’m a guitarist also, and compose instrumental jazz/rock stuff.
(I’ve got a page at www.mp3.com/artiej if you’re interested)
I’ve been wanting very much to do just what you say, but usually my
LDs are so brief and there’s just so many things I want to try…well, you know how it is.
I did have one experience while lucid in a sort of hypnogogic phase, of listening to a riff with guitar, bass and drums that was just looping over and over, and I was able to modify the parts by just thinking about them…it was pretty wild!
And I am definitely interested…
Hey, Michael, its jason. just lettin u know i am on this forum now and letting you know my name on here… that’s all
Awesome. Great to have you. Where did you get your avatar? It’s pretty cool. Later
hm, those are the times i wish i was a guitarrist or pianist instead of a percussionist >_<
So what’s stopping you? It’s never too late to pick up the guitar. I play bass, guitar, harmonica, piano, and drums. If you play drums you’ve got to have rhythm so half of your guitar training is already in there. Guitar is very simple once you see the neck for what it is
I play piano, I might try this. But I have a queue of ideas that I want to try at least 3 dreams long, so I doubt it’ll happen soon. Still, it’s a good idea. Especially composition. You’d probably have to write any ideas down as soon as you woke up though.
Once on the radio in a dream I heard a really good song. It was completely original and had a really cool riff. The lyrics didn’t make any sense though.
Kind of like how Paul McCartney got the idea of Yesterday in a dream. At least that’s what I read. I have also had the new song experience. I dreamed I was at the beach at senior week and there was this guy with an acoustic guitar playing a song and singing the most amazing thing ever. I remember watching his fingers and all but the whole thing was kind of a blur. If I could only bring that back. I also heard John Mayer on the radio playing some song I’ve never heard while cleaning out a swimming pool. Can’t really explain that one. It was pretty awesome. I wonder how many dreamers there are out there who have heard a musical piece in their dreams that they’ve never heard in real life. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could tap into that source?
i’ve made attempts in an LD before… i’ve asked people to play a riff for me to remember when i wake up, but i have yet to hear a good riff, hehe. i remember what was played and everything, but nothing too great.
oh, and yeah… paul mccartney woke up and had the tune for yesterday in his head. he was eating breakfast and was singing the tune as “scrambled eggs” instead of “yesterday”. he thought it was just some song he knew, but he didn’t know from where. finally his wife asked him what that song was all about and he didn’t know. figured it out and now it’s one of the most popular beatles songs out there
that is so cool, I didn’t know that! I love that song so much!
i am also an avid rock guitarist, and have played a bit in dreams. in one dream before i went lucid in it, i was playing for a friend and kept messing up, holding the pick in a weird position, basic dream incompatence. in one dream i was showing off to someone i was lucid and played an amazing triplet riff that i cannot recall. another time in a dream i had an OBE and went to play guitar and didn’t go to well either, i realized i was back in my body while i was playing.
i believe practising in lucid dreaming can defintily help you come up with some cool shit!
I would have never guessed given your namesake!
I missed another great opportunity last night to see if it would work or not. John Mayer is in my room with me and he had asked if he could borrow my 4 track to record with. I allowed him and after awhile he asked me for help to press down two buttons at a specific intervel so he could record over a slight mess up. If I had only been lucid Oh well… Maybe next time.
I Have never had an LD, but i can imagine how awesome it would be to have a jam session on my drumset during an LD!
Well, the good thing is it’s never too late to learn to LD, noish. If you use reality checks, try doing a reality check everytime you play your drums. Maybe one day you’ll be drumming in your dream and perform your reality check, and BAM you’ll find yourself in a dream. The possibilities are endless. GOOD LUCK!!