For all those who are beginning to LD.

I started LDing about 4 months ago it took me 1 week to get micro LD’s in two weeks I got my first good LD.

I didn’t have DD but I managed to remember atleast 1 dream per night. I was lazy but worked a little all the time. I performed RC’s very occasionaly too. Somedays not even one, and sometimes more often.

Now when 4 months has passed I keep DD occasionaly and I can remember all my dreams almost every night. I have atlest 2 LD per week and some times 10+ LD’s in week. Almost every night when I have a LD I have another after it, and I have learned to prolong my LD’s and I consider myself good at it.

I don’t wanna boast about how good I have became in LD’ing I wanna give hope and an example about someone learning.
I sometimes in the early days had even 3 weeks without LD’s. In one point I thought I had lost my ability but I had a LD and became confident again. So DON’T give up even if u have little success now and then.

Things I do: RC, DD sometimes when i have interesting dreams, LD’s I write everytime.

At sleeping time I relax properly then count in 300-400 and repeat my mantras which I change alot but the thought behind them is same. (example: im going to realize tonight that im dreaming and after that im going to perform a RC) and while repeating the mantras I visualize myself doing it. And I have taught myself into to the habit of waking up after dreams and I WBTB once or twice.

I give my thanks to all the people on this forum and the people behind these sites from welcoming me into the world of lucidity.

This sounds like an farewell message or something but I just wanna put more confidence on the people who are unlearned on LD’ing and are trying their very best.

Thank you. These sorts of things really helpes.

You don’t have LDs at will by using techniques like WILD, then? Also, how vital is really dream diaries and your ability to recall what you dreamt? I understand that they come in handy when looking for dreamsigns, and so on, but there aren’t more to it? I will keep writing anyways, it’s just that the past three days I’ve remembered nothing, so to say. In contrast to the first three days where I found myself remembering two or maybe three dreams. Maybe I’ll put some more effort into that…

What I found weird was that “I will wake up after I’ve had some dreams” worked immediately, though there’s no sign to any effect of “I will remember that I am dreaming” and that sort of suggestions.


I like postes like this. They make me feel better about myself. :tongue:
I think someone who can Lucid Dream this easily must be really telented. I hope to get to a level of just willpower one day myself. Postes like this make it seem more possible.

I think DD is only for remembering dreams and about dreamsigns as you said, it would be nasty if you forgot that you had LD.

And my theory about why “i will wake up after dream”-thing worked immediately is that, normally we wake up for a little moment every time when we dream and fall back asleep, but normally we don’t remember it nor give any attention to it. But making a decision of waking up you kinda remember it next time you are awake. So you have done it before, but not consciously tho.

But LD’ing is not something which happens naturally (in most cases) so its different.

Don’t take it too serious, only my own theories. :smile:
And im sure somebody knows better.

Little Edit:

Lately I think I have done it by will, for example when I’m really confident about having LD and decided to WBTB I have had success, but sometimes Im just so tired to think clearly and i drift back to ND’s :smile:

Domo Arigato! :happy: I feel more confident now! I won’t give up because I havn’t had an ld yet ( I have only been trying for one night! what’s my problem? I shouldn’t feel so downcast :cry: about not having one yet!) Confidance!! Must have confidance!!!

Toodles ^-^!!

ps. First post!! :content: yay!!

LA: I’ve noticed that whenever I get lazy with keeping my DJ, the amount of LD’s I have per month drops. But when I starty again, it rises.

Which is why I’ve started putting more effort into it now :wink:.

hebe: That waking up theory sounds about right :smile:.

ED: Welcome :grin:.
If you HAD managed to get an LD on your first night, I’d be very impressed :wink:. It usually takes far longer then that :wink:. But don’t worry - they will come sooner or later… and they’re worth every bit of effort :cool:.

Welcome to LD4all, Egyptian Dreamer! :wave:
Most of lucid dreamers have had their first LD during the first month they tried. It’s very rare (but it happens) that they had it in the first days.
I hope you’ll tell us soon your first lucid dream! :smile:

Ok! you’ll be the first people I tell About my first LD, then I will start a LD diary :content: . Got to warn you though, I have got an imagination worthy of “The Twilight Zone” I’ll probably Try to give myself an extra head or something :wow: or… just do what everone else does: fly.(Or at least try to!)

See you later :smile:!

Thank you !
It cannot wait to read your LD journal! It will be great if you have a lot of funny experiences, like having two heads! :grin: :grin:
See you later! :content:

Actually, having two heads could be quite odd.
Either, you’d see through both heads at once (weird), or else the second head would act independantly (and talk to you).

Either way, it’d be an amusing experience :smile:.

I finally had my first LD :happy: !!! I don’t know how I got lucid, because the first thing I can remember about the LD part about my dream isn’t about how I got lucid :no:.

Anyway, it started like this. I was in a small incloser that looked italian. It had beautiful flowers in brown, leaf print pots. There was a small store that had a sign out front. Standing by the sign was my ex-friend, sage,and some complete stranger. They were talking about how horrible balet classes were, and how glad they were that classes were out for summer. I decided this was getting boring so I tried the first thing I could think of. I closed my eyes and said “when I open my eyes, the world will be upside down!”

It worked! When I opened my eyes my dream was upside down! Sage was just standing there like nothing happend :crazy:. (it was like here shoes were sticky because she wasn’t falling!) I was on my knees, like I was stuck there or somthing. So I decided to change everything back to normal. I closed my eyes and said " when I open my eyes, everything will be back to normal!" I opened my eyes and the world was normal again!

With everything normal,I walked out around the corner and out of the italy setting and into a victorian school setting. After that I had a short black out, so I don’t know waht happend. Heres what I can Remember after the “blackout” ended.

I was walking towards a coffe table holding a magic potion in a transparent, light pink punch bowl. I guese someone gave it to me. The school seemed to be a magic school :wizard: ! I was going towards the coffee table because I wanted to try interveiwing some interesting DC’s. All of the sudden I felt a cat licking the back of my foot (i was wearing sandles.) I looked over and saw my friend krissy’s (thats her nick name) cat. That gave me an Idea. I hugged the punch bowl with the magic potion and sad “I wish I was A cat!” It didn’t work :cry: . so I hugged the potion again, closed my eys and said “when I open my eyes, I will have cat ears and a tail!” It worked, but for some reason I couldn’t move them. I concluded that the potion was a peice of crap and gave it to the nearest DC. (didn’t even say thank you!)

I spotted an interesting stair case and decided to check it out. It led to a brown, polished door. I took a deap breath and said “leonardo DeCaprio will be bihind this door!” I pictured him and opened it, but he wasn’t there! I tried again but it didn’t work. So I wint down the stairs and stepped infront of a window. I decided I was getting bored of this place. I closed my eyes and said “when I open my eyes I WILL be somewhere else.” I opend my eyes just abit and saw the window so I tried again. I tried severel times before slipping into an two second ND about a comercial for fighting scateboarders. HTen I woke up.

Well as I promised, there is my first LD!!! Soooo happy!! Oh if you want to hear about the ND I had before the LD just tell me and I’ll find some way to tell you guys! (it was like 28 days later, exept I kicked zombie butt! the dream didn’t freak me out at all.)

Hey Egyptian Dreamer, congrats on your 1st LD! I never read of someone putting the world upside down in a LD, so that’s interresting (seems like you already have pretty good control!)…Well, I’m sure this is the first of many LD’s to follow :happy:

Damn egypt dreamer, you finally had it?
i wonder why u use the word finally since its like 2nd or 3rd night geez! I tried to LD about a week or 2 but not too seriously like 5 months ago and gave up interest. But nowits been about 5 days of me trying and i havent gotten close. I never can remember to do RC’s or notice dreamsigns during the dream. and some people have been trying for month(s) without success i believe.

I agree, it does seem quite hard. I’ve been trying for about a week, no luck.

But thanks for the encouragement. :smile:

Let’s see, it took about 20 days. I geuse in my mind thats alot. I do have a patience problem (ask the guys at the amusment park. I just can’t stay in line!) But now that I think about it, it doesn’t seem so long.


Thnx mate…these sorts of posts are very positive and very welcomed. I am one of those who have yet failed to achieve Lucidity properly. I have been trying for…ages…so i will never give up…ever! Lol i recon i have another good 70 years left in me so i think this is posible. :razz:

good job Egyptian Dreamer! That was a nice first LD I hope you get more of them soon.

And a littel tip for you. Instead of closing eyes try this: say something like “now when I turn over Leonardo will be standing there” and turn over. It works for me most of the time when I create, change scene, or make people appear. If it doesn’t work at the first time shout something like “It is my dream and if I say I want Leonardo I will get him!!!” When I do that I almost everytime get what I want.

Congrats on your first LD, Egyptian Dreamer! :grin: It looks like you have a very good control!

You’re right, that’s quite easy. Half of the dreamers have had their first LD in less than 2 or 3 weeks. I wish you good luck, and I bet that you’ll tell us your first LD soon! :smile:

Congratulations on your first LD! :partying_face: :clap: :thumbs:

Flipping the would upside down :hmmm: That has never occurred to me.

Milod adds that to his list on things to do in an ld.

You had good control not to mention creativity for your first lucid dream. I am sure there will be more.