For all you bad lucid dreamers: THIS WILL WORK! Subliminal!

whoever made that thing i a genious. imean i been reading through this thread ever since it first was started and lik every1 who looks atit has success in sum form or the other. This is prolly one of the top dream enhancement things right now so u guys sprea the word. I had 2 LDs the first night i looke a it then idint look atit again or lik 3 days then last night i just looked at it again and had another LD this morning.

This is the beginning of Part II. Part I can be found here:

The mentioned links to the subliminal page are here:

Yes if u question if it might work u give yourself an anti suggestion lol!
But it is more then placebo…because you cant c the text consciously but your brain does c the text…and the spiral slows down your brain waves a little…more alpha and for some a little theta (if u are trance experienced)…
But how good or effective it works that is the real question…but because we dont know just try and c if it does something possitively related to ld or dream recall 4 u!

Atheist…when are u in the chat room…i never meet u there?
At what time?


This link was back in the old forum.It helped me with my third lucid dream :content: .I lost the link after the new one came up.Thanks for the link.

Hmm… you know that program BrainWave Generator, can’t you listen to a specific sound in it while looking at the spiral? Won’t it help? I would see it as both visual and audial stimuli of the alpha and maybe theda waves as you mentioned. Technically this should increase the success of this subliminal messaging thing…

:eek: Pilot, I JUST tried that out before reading your post! daaaamn :cool_laugh:

ive been looking at that stupid spiral for the last week, and all it did was give me a nightmare! (although that might be a good sign) :smile: i must be looking at it weird or something :crazy:

Hang upside down and look again…lol!

:happy: Good luck Alayambo!



i would do anything for a ld :grin:

I tryed to listened to some psy-goa-trance-whatever music while watching it.This helped me to get relaxed, but unfortunately my computer is so slow that the spiral didn´t work properbly anymore, so I had to switch it off after some time

Yeah, BWG (self-hypnosis) + sprial text = better success.

Tried it with BWG, no success… allthough I only slept 6 hours cause of school. I’ll try tonight since I’m kind of tired already.

lol imm0rtal

I’ll give this a try with the self-hypnosis sound of BWG, as chosenone mentioned. I’m also a desperate LDer, this is the longest time without a LD so far.

This really worked! I tried the spiral together with BWG (the relaxation sound) last night for about 18 minutes, and I got 2 LD and 1 false awakening. Which sound from BWG should work better and why?

Self-hypnosis preset is probably best because it opens your mind to suggestion and then when you read that subliminal stuff then it really digs in.

This method worked out pretty well for me. I usually only remember about 5 dreams a week and I’ve never had a lucid dream. The first time I tried the spiral thing, I watched it for about 7 minutes with all sorts of distractions and went to sleep about 2 hours later. I had 3 very vivid dreams. The next night I watched it for 10 minutes with no distractions and tried to go to sleep a half hour later, but I couldn’t fall asleep for over an hour later. That night I had one vivid dream and a low-level lucid dream. Pretty quick improvement.

well i tried it last night and although i did not have an ld, i had 4 very very vivid dreams, in fact the 3rd was the most vivid i’ve ever had. also, i keep hearing about this BWG relaxation sound thing, can anyone show me a link so i can download it or email it to me or something? thanks, and one last question, how long should you look at it? i looked at it for 20 minutes and i got the results above.

This time, try for only 10 minutes. the brean wave generater software can be found at the following link.

good luck and happy lucid dreaming!!!

I looked at it on two separate occasions two days ago, whilst listening to BWG thru headphones, and this morning I had a short lucid. Also been doing MILD in bed lately, repeating it like a mantra. After a dry month I have had two this week, but it is hard to say specifically what is the cause so will continue with everything.

I haven’t tried using the subliminal spiral for a while, but last night I tried to give it another go.

What I did was, I was all pretty much ready for bed, and I spent 10 minutes looking at the spiral. Then I went almost straight to bed, and lay in bed reading the Lucid Dream FAQ which I had printed out.

After a while I felt sleepy, so I switched off the light and went to sleep. I woke up automatically at 4am, and could remember virtually every single detail of my dream, so I wrote it down. Then I drifted back off to sleep after a while, and then my alarm woke me up at 6:30 to get up for work, and I could remember another dream really clearly too, so I quickly wrote that down too.

Not bad going, considering lately my dream recall has usually been terrible. Also, towards the end of the 2nd dream, I kept wanting to go to a shop and buy a chocolate orange, but I don’t even like chocolate orange, yet the desire to buy one wouldn’t go away, and eventually I started to question this, but then my alarm woke me up.

Also, both times, I woke up with the automatic thought of “what was I just dreaming?” whereas normally I just wake up and not even think about it.

I think I’m getting closer.


I got my second LD by that spiral :happy:
