For lucid dreamers who still go to school

nods Yes, thanks. It’s a lot better now. Most nights I’ll fall asleep within an hour now instead of about 3-4 hours every night grins Some days it’s still better than others, simply depending on what I’ve done during the day. :content:

america. :look: the schedule is super annoying :angry:, having to drag my butt out of bed when the sun isn’t even up. :yawn:

being able to fall asleep in 30-40 minutes is nice :om:. i have time to think about what i want to dream about :write:, and then i’ll fall asleep without even realizing it. :uh:

oft: yayyy, 100th post! :slide:

Having to go to school on most days at 8:30, i usually wake up at 7:30 (for journaling). I practice WBTB every day, so if i go to bed at midnight (which i usually do) that leaves me with about 6-7 hours of sleep. Not that’s bad, as i’m actually used to that routine (to the point i wake up by default at 4:30 and i absolutely have to get up and stay up in order to get back to sleep).
On weekends, i can take it further and go to bed a lot earlier, say 10-11 PM, once i even did 9 PM.
I’m practicing some sleep technique, so usually i can get to sleep in less than 20 mins, but it’s not a guarantee.