OK, does anyone find that they have all their LD’s at one time of the month, or is it usually spread out over the whole month?
I’m looking into this on my own, bt was just wondering if anyone else had found this?
Ok so i’m a guy but that ain’t gonna stop me from adding my 2cent.
I would think it would be easier at certain times of the month for LDing than at others going by your bodies changes through out the monthly cycle. Concidering that during a period your body is likely to be more sensitive to heat etc, i would assume the rest of the month would be easier to induce LDs through WILD yet at the same time the hightend sensitivity could also aid the recognition that it’s a dream too.
So deffinately an interesting topic so i for one will be checking back to see what you gals have to say
i cant comment on having LD’s more at this time of month but to be honest I have noticed a difference with the dreams that i have, I mean the clarity and the length is usually longer around this time of the month.
I have had night terrors (nightterrors.org/) all my life and in the last year or two I have really been aware that they happen more often at that time of the month.
I know it doesnt answer your question directly but i hope it helped.
I think your definatly on to something, it does effect it.
ok, i’m with dark matter here too… i’m a guy, but i still got two cents
i’d just like to point out that guys have monthly hormonal cycles too (although not as strong and obvious as a female’s) so maybe this topic would be just as valid for us
i just finished looking through my DJ and i couldn’t find any consistent pattern between time of the month and LDs shrug maybe this is a girl topic
I haven’t updated my Month LD chart in a while, but with the records I have:
29 LDs on chart, roughly all of last year (parts of feb missing because I lost the entries there in a crash), break down is as follows:
8/29 (27.5%) were in the first third of month
6/29 (20.7%) were in the middle third of month
15/29 (51.7%) were in the last third of month
As that relates to my monthly cycle, it seems I have far more after my period (middle month).
Anyway, not sure how it turns up for everyone else I might have to update it and see how exact that figure stays with this last year’s data.
Adding January to presents gives
14/42 (33%)
10/42 (24%)
18/42 (43%)
That’s a little more even, though it’s still clear that after has a definate upswing percentage wise.
Luck and love,
just like to add that since the cycle is around 28days like the luna cycle, that eventually the data you have on first/3rd middle/3rd last/3rd will obviously swap around - maybe this is way the data is evening out a little?
Are you sure that the moon doesn’t effect us. This would start to go with the cycle. It would also effect men in a simular way to women. (No, not periods, dreaming ofcourse!)
Though cycle time is about 28 days, it varys from person to person. Mine is about 30 days, very regular in that, so it only very slowly changes over time. So I do not believe that the difference between cycle length and month length is effecting the data in any significant way. Whatever the reason is, I seem to LD more at the end of the month.
On the other hand I wonder how much of the difference is through mood; the fact is I’m very durring that time
Hm, makes me also want to do a seasonal break down as well. I wish I had more data to work with (hint hint: give me LDs )
Luck and love,
Well, it seems to give more ability to concentrate and everything after my period so I’m able to WILD, meditate deeper than usual, dream more vividly, and most likely to become lucid.
Also I notice that full moon does affect my dreams too, the vividness and the ability to go into a trance easier.
No idea… we could do a survey with all female LD4all members. What do you think?
Yeah, all twelve of us. No, just joking, but there sure aren’t many females on the boards.
I definitely agree. Not enough of female members!
(To female lurkers: Come and sign up. You can be part of the rare female community here in LD4all forum! )
Okay: female de-lurking. I began marking the day of my cycle in my DJ about 4 months ago, because I began to see patterns in my dreaming, especially LD’s. Soon after, I read in one of Patricia Garfield’s books that she found a similar pattern in her dreaming, so I became intriqued. My fertile smirk dream-time is in the middle of my cycle-- day 10-20 (day 1 of my cycle being the first day of my period).
What a bizarre ‘first post’ topic …
LOL, Thessaly. “Bizarre” is just a typical day at ld4all. Welcome to the forum and I hope to see more of your posts soon!
My DD is all messed up, so I have to completely start again with the sorting of dates…also, stupis time of the month has only just started being completely regular…so I can only just start seeing where they crop up in LD ‘cycles’…I thought about this topic, 'cos I usually have a week where I have loads of LD’s, and then I’m unable to have ANY for ages! Anyway, yeah…sorry for the ‘only for girls’ title then…hope guys look at it and give input too…damn it, I’m gonna have to do this thread again now aren’t I?! OK…anyway, I’ll leave it for a bit, and everyone watch your cycles!!!
Yeah the nightterrors thing was quite interesting, anything to do with dreams and sleep around the time of the month will be useful…so just put whatever you want down, thank yoooooouuuuuuu!!!
I just had to respond because as soon as Dm7 posted about the lurkers we got a new member!
Thessaly, welcome to the forum!
I’d like to know more about those male hormonal cycles. Perhaps we can figure out why we have dry spells and little spurts (it is the beginning of each month for me! Well that was a few months back. Now that I don’t use my DJ anymore (curse the laziness) I can’t track. But I know that before it was happening with me for 3 months straight- the first week of the month typically had a few lucid dreams (as opposed to none the rest of the month).
from the title, I was under the impession this was an old thread. Much to my surprise it was just created.
It seems like a similar topic like this was touched on months ago. I believe our very own pasQuale replied in that thread. . . . unless I was dreaming. (or being a male is that borderline nightmare)
I’ll try to find the URL to post here.
This topic is very interesting. I’m interested in the knowledge we gain during the progession of this thread. Keep it up ladies!
This is gonna sound crude and horrible…maybe…
I think I may have slightly more LD’s around the time, cos just like the WBTB method works, I wake up LOADS during the night at that time, 'cos of the fear of leakage…so if I’m waking up hundreds of times, having different dreams each time, that might help with turning Lucid…anyone agree? or argue?
That makes sense (and only could be called crude for those embarrassed about the idea of a “period”).
As for actually sharing input for the post, I’ve never looked for a correlation. I guess the only thing I can see is I sleep less at that time which means I dream less.
244 views of this topic!LOL,seems like lots of people are interested in “specific days of the month”
All my thoughts about the topic can be closed in sentence "god im so happy my penis dont bleed:)"Regardless of how much it would help me in lucid dreaming:)
When I talk about things on here, I usually dream about them after a couple of days, I hope you don’t dream of that! I hope I don’t dream about that!!!