Can you…maybe…get a tranlsator person for these scientific articles?
I have not studied medicine and i don’t know what half of the words mean.
I had the same thing when I started reading these abstracts.
You can try to find a ‘map’ of the brain where the regions are named. That will help big time!
It seems harder than it really is.
Good info Hypnodude!
I agree with Alex…those reports are extremely interesting and extremely hard to understand.Even tho ones knows what particular brain spots are.Id appreciate someone with good english skills to put it in clearer version,concentrating on what it means for us lders.
take care:)
try this if you are having trouble
Back to front, full brain dreaming,cool!
After reading DREAMING AND REM SLEEP ARE CONTROLLED BY DIFFERENT BRAIN MECHANISMS (elsewhere in this forum) I guess I better amend that previous post to read:
Back to front, full brain sleeping.
Still cool though!