Forget working together... Here's my ld4all hypnosis thing!

Hi, folks! I didn’t feel like working today, so I made a little hypnosis thing for y’all instead. It’s broken into several mp3 files, and I’ll explain that in a bit… But first, here’s the script (since you probably shouldn’t go around listening to hypnosis things on the net without reading 'em first - might end up talking like a duck…)

The files are at…

Right click & save as, then queue 'em up in WinAmp like this…
:moon: some random song I’m sure you have on your computer
:moon: ld4all_hypno_introduction
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat
:moon: ld4all_hypno_repeat

Then use Windows Media Player :spinning:yuck:) to play the ld4all_hypno_background_optional file on permanent repeat… Lie down with headphones on and close your eyes and relax… I intended this to be used during the day for about half an hour or so, not during sleep… Anyway, I hope it works for you - but use it at your own risk… And it’s public domain, so do whatever you want with it…

I like the induction/deepener style. Casual and informal, not forcing concentration. I’ll have to try it some time, but I don’t really have a free half hour right now.

As I sit here in front of the computer screen, I may notice my eyelids becoming heavy… I should probably get some sleep now.

If it was G-man then I’d listen to it. :cool: