I am always reminded of how important it is to record dreams right when you wake up because this is what is so weird:
I wake up and remember a couple of dreams, I go over them in my head, make sure I won’t lose them when I move. Then I write down the dreams. But later, even just 1 hour later, I think of the dreams, but can’t remember them!
All I know is that I wrote them down, but absolutely do not remember them!
This is why it is so important to write them down. Does this happen to anybody else? Or do I need to inject some ginkgo biloba into my veins?!
Yeah, it used happen to myself too. With more practice and interest, this thing tends to fade, it’s like you remember dreams better, I don’t really know how to explain. But keep up all the same ^^
What I do now, instead of writing in my dream journal, Ill have a voice recorder, and as soon as I wake up, Ill talk into the voice recorder, still half asleep, while I am replaying the dream in my head. Later in the day, I listen to what I say, and it triggers the dream memories, full-blown. I remember more details too afterwards, once I initially remember the dream. If I don’t remember the dream, then I just write down what I said. Works for me, otherwise Ill wake up, and it has always taken me ages to get to sleep, unless I run for two miles then I drop into a coma lol. Usually in the morning if I wake up at 500, I just induce SP and lay there until I wake up.
Yes, I actually know what you mean. A long time ago before I moved out of my dad’s house, I was like that. I would write down my dreams every hour and a half during the night and later in the day I would remember each dream too. My sleeping and waking schedule was exact, etc. I’m trying to restore more balance in my life to get that exactness again. I know my Memory levels will expand.
Same here! I sometimes even go rollerblading really fast for an hour very early in the morning during a WBTB. It’s like I have way to much energy that needs to be spent before I can rest.
Well, back on topic, Memory is like a muscle that needs to be worked or else it gets weak. And as I have not been going to work or school for almost 9 months, I see that I have not been working that Memory muscle so it is weak, but now that I know this, I will be working upon it.