Found yourself doing something stupid

When I was at a camp during my highschool years me and a few other people would stay awake at night in our dormitory and listen to this friend of ours speaking Chinese. The funny thing is that he wasn’t asian and when we questioned him about it he said he knew absolutely no Chinese.

We thought his brain was acting as a receiver from our local community radio station which broadcasts segments in foreign languages.

One time i tried to fly when i woke up. It hurt a lot, but i realised the funny side of it. I was dreaming i could fly, i woke up, stood up, and kinda belly-flopped onto the floor!

My sister during sleepwalking, shouted to my mother “give me those cookies!” taken a packet of fried potatoes of her hand and started eating it. I also woke up some times laugthing.

Yes, and once my sister woke me up on propose and when I was ready for going to school (I has sleep half sleeping), then it was 4:00am, and started laughting at me.

Whenever I wake up early because of the alarm clock, I think it means something else. Like, I’ll think it controls time, or something even more complicated that I can’t even comprehend right now.
I also woke up one morning with little memory of the night before, and while I was taking a shower, I found a mirror image of a word on my upper thigh in someone else’s handwriting. Later I discovered that someone wrote something on my hand, and I slept hand to thigh.

I woke up with my homework in my mouth saying something like, “If the cheese’s velocity is cylindrical…”

I was pulling a second all-nighter on physics work, so I fell asleep at my desk and woke up with one paper stuck to my face with drool and another in my mouth–I think I was still trying to do my work because my pen was still in my hand and I had scribbled all over everything…:eh:

I don’t think I’ll procrastinate on physics anymore…:razz:

I do that all the time :eek:. I don’t dream about it I act on it IRL though :tongue: (that toiletpaper roll is approxmately so many meters from the house). When I was taking calculus I always dreamt of doing proofs and they would have the craziest things supporting them. (like -18, some sort of purple gum, etc) :confused:

I remember having dreams like this! Let’s see if I can find one… :tongue: …and I can!

I remember something that involved finding “the square root of Bob” and the answer was where Bob was… the funny part was that it made perfect sense at the time. :wink:

square root of Bob! :rofl:

Everything makes sense in dreams :content:.

Anybody woke up kissing their pillow? Or doing something else to their pillow…

It’s actually quite sad considering that dreamlove can be very painful after waking…:crying:

bwhahaahah! awesome guys, awesome.

once i woke up because something was poking me in the head. i was like wtf? and tried to go back to bed. poked me in the head again, i was like wtf jeez, let me sleep. tried to sleep again, and then suddenly something rolled down the side of my face. this got me up. I opened my eyes, and there i am, in my pajama pants, with my pillow, curled up in the shower, with a leaky showerhead dripping on my face.

I’m not a sleepwalker O_o so was quite wierd.

Once my dad came in to wake me up and i saw him come into the room really blurrily and it seemed like he was 10 meters tall, standing over me. i opened my eyes and waved to him jokingly like ‘yeah yeah im awake’. I thought it was a false awakening or something, so i went outside to ask him if he woke me up and my dad goes “Yeah, i tried, but you nearly punched me in the face”

hehe. guess i underestimate my strength in the dreamworld :razz:

Well, this morning, I thought that my alarm clock was somehow instrumental in my pillow working. Like the pillow was growing out of the alarm clock.

Once I had some weird dream I can’t remember quite well right now, but at the end, someone threw a bug on my foot, and it startled me. The thing is, I ended up waking up kicking the wall >_>

i once found myself standing over the toilet standing against the wall. and then went to the bathroom( i dont know what i was dreaming) then i reawoke with ym refridgerator open, and i was opressed against the side to kewl down. i have down akwards things from sleepin g sadly.

The other week my mum came to wake me up and when she opened my door I jumped out of bed and started prancing around with my hands up like a boxer waiting for a fight.

I’d hate to think what would’ve happened if I didn’t wake up quickly enough and realised she wasn’t a dream assailant :bored:

I got one. :grin:

WELL, we had bought a painting- a fancy one, with a frame and glass and all. As you guys know, I sleep on the floor. We planned on hanging it up the next day, so it was propped against the table.

In a half awake/half asleep faze, I decided to kick the living daylights out of some monster DC… and kicked out the glass of the painting. :eek:

Hehe, yeah… :shy:

I was with some friends at one of their houses and it was really late at night so half of them had passed out or gone to sleep but a couple were still awake playing some video game. I went to sleep on the couch and in the morning they were all talking about how I told them about “the stars” in my sleep…
Im still livin’ that one down… :cry:

Last night I dreamt that I did film studies and I had a part time job as an actor. When I woke up I was really confused for a moment because I couldnt remember if I was a film student or a physics student!

I think I had a maths-y dream the other night, but I dont remember what it was. I wrote in my dream journal “is there a problem [something] results 0,0,0” :confused:

I always get really confused when my alarm goes off… I usually set two alarms and I cant work out which one it is.

I wake up dribbling quite a lot, and I remember once I woke up and said “arghhh!” I think I had been shouting in the dream but luckily it wasnt too loud when I woke up. Also one time I’d had a lot to drink, and when I went to sleep I sleepwalked and peed on my computer chair… :shy:

I laughed of your story some one are very funny !
Sorry but I dont have funny stories like theses to tell.
The worst I have done is surely that I was talking IRL when I was dreaming and my parents will understand.

But sleepwalking scare me Im glad to dont have them.
Its so dangerous… You dont know what you can do.

Thats why I will never kill someone in my dream… Unless its against my will

:uh: This morning–after waking from a very good dream–I found myself hugging all up on one of my pillows…:bored:

Not too stupid–not as stupid as my other stuff…but–that’s just wrong. :content: