Four Months with no Good LDs

I first got interested in Lucid Dreaming in early June. I have a Dream Journal that I try to write in everyday, regardless of if I had a dream or not. I do reality checks at least 10 times randomly in the day, if not much more. I usualy remember 2-3 dreams a night, and even have created a ‘mental’ list of what to do in a Lucid Dream like some people suggest to do.

So why have I not had a good, long lucid dream in which I have enough time to do things in? I mean, I have had three Lucid Dreams, but I didn’t even have time to do anything within the dream. Two didn’t last even a minute- I realized I was dreaming, then woke up. Those happened in June/July. One lasted 2-3 minutes (estimated), and happened in August. I would really like to have a lucid dream!

I do think I have lost a little motivation over the last month. Or maybe it’s that I keep switching from meditating on getting a lucid dream to trying MILD to trying DILD.
I just may be worrying too much. :bored:
Anyone have any advice?

You might want to try other techniques than the ones you’re using now. Try a whole bunch(more than once each though :content: ) and see if any of them gives you results.

Using other induction methods may be the key. DILDs, MILD, and some meditation just may not be the way. I’ll look into some other methods. WILD doesn’t seems liek it would work for me. Who knows.

How about taking a break for a week or so? Just get some plain sleep and don’t worry too much about wether you will have a lucid dream or not.
Try to keep the dream recall up and think about what you would do, if you actually had a long lucid dream. But don’t pressure yourself too much. :smile:

But before mindlessly following my proposition, think about if this what you want to do. Different people need different approaches and what I suggested is what I would do.