Freakin Dang Difficult

I CAN’T freakin have a LD. I’ve been trying since last december, diligently, and then considered the wanting it too much theory and took like a two whole month break but still nothing. I’m perfect at dream recall and RC’s and everything i’m supposed to do and just can’t do it. HELP.

I know how you feel somewhat. I haven’t been able to get lucid for a while now.
One thing I can say will help is stop saying you can’t. You can have a lucid dream and you will have a lucid dream. Just keep trying!
I have read of some people that didn’t have their first LD for like 2 years after they started trying, but in the end they had one, and it only gets better from there. Just keep at it and don’t get discouraged. You will have a LD, and it will be epic. Look here for some motivation.
You could try reading some peoples DJs for inspiration too. WritersCube has an amazing one for example.
What all have you been doing to try and get lucid?
Just please keep trying. I want to hear of your success.

Good luck and great dreams,


Try some affirmations. You either write, out loud say, or think “I will have a LD tonight.” for a good 3-5 minutes, right before bed. I’ve never used them, but I’ve heard that if you really convince yourself, good things will happen.

This does work! It takes a few nights, so don’t be discouraged after the first night or so.

Thinking that you can’t do it surely won’t help at all.
You must know that you CAN have a lucid dream, and that ANYONE can have one.

Some get them sooner, some later.
Stay on the forum, be active.
That way lucid dreaming will get deeper into your mind.

Lastly, which techniques were you using and how? Maybe we can help you with that.

Right, what everyone else said. Also, if you haven’t done so already I would try Bendrummin’s Infinity program. It’ll take a lot of dedication, and you have to follow the intructions exactly (so it will take some time out of your day) but that kind of bombardment has worked for a lot of people.

The very fact that you’re discouraged is possibly what’s preventing you from having an LD. It took me 2 months and hundreds of RCs to have one, and it wasn’t very vivid. However, the lucid dream I had after that, even though it took another month to achieve and still wasn’t very vivid, was still better than the first.