Free Lucid Induction CD Download, part II

I’ve had this MP3 for quite a while before I found I have some ear clips, so it’s easy for me to put them under the pillow, with the wires going under my bed, so that the CD player buzzing doesn’t keep my up. The sound carries through the pillow well, and is gently muffled and soft.

To make sure I don’t wear out the batteries in the CD player, and to make sure I don’t have that voice interrupting my dream, I only set the song to play once.

Unfortunately, I find it difficult to sleep with this on because I find myself listening to the nice sounds of the recording, and keeping track of when they change (especially when that weird percussion bit comes in). I figured there’s no way I’m going to get to sleep with this thing. Sometimes I’d ride it out to the end and start the CD again, starting it all over.

So I tried inserting 5 minutes of silence before the actual recording, figuring I’d be relaxed enough by the time it comes on. No dice. I’d either be waiting too anxiously for it to start (which kind of defeats the point of this), or it would pop in just when I’m about to sleep, making the whole effort pointless.

Then I tried inserting 15 minutes of silence. This one time, I fell asleep before it started, but I don’t remember having any dream. When I woke up at 8AM the next day, I dimly heard the induction. Apparantly, I left replay on by accident. Still no luck.

I’m willing to try again, maybe this time with a 20-minute delay. I find it much easier to get to sleep now than when I was first trying this in high school (since now I go to art college, which I find less stressful, and I haven’t been keeping up with my sleep), so I figure now I can sleep within 20 minutes, and the song will chime in right when I’m ready. I just need to kill some time before he eventually quiets down and I can have some uninterrupted fun.

But is it possible to play the song too late? Like, if I’m in too deep a sleep, I won’t hear it?

Try combine it with WBTB and WILD
Works for me!

thanks i had the same problem finding the file

The link is broken, can someone email me the .mp3?

My email is . If you send it,uh…me love you long time.

this link^^^ is not broken ^^^ i checked it right now there it is again

Left click here, I uploaded it again.

Well, when i click the links, The file plays on Quicktime on my computer… but how do I download it?

if you own a PC:
hover over link > right click your mouse > “save target as” > choose your download location and choose “save”

dont have one so dont know lol

hope thats what you meant. :content:

Thank you so much for your help…but when i hover over the link and right click it says save link as …:sad:

it should be the same thing. Depending on the computer you are using the phrase may be worded differant but the action remains the same. :smile:

oh my goodness it worked thank you!

Glad I could be of some help. :wink:

Remember we all have plenty or regular dreams every night, we just don’t always remember them and that feels like we have had none.

unfortunetly, i missed this, can someone who has this upload it for me? i’d greatly appriciate it!
you can use sites like

The new link:

I happened to find it as I disappointedly went away from this post, and then googled “lucid dream mp3.” Woohoo.

Thanks, Dork (That sounds bad… hehehe)

That’s a different one than originally talked about in this thread. The first one had a neat Oriental song wrapped around it with 2 talking sessions imbedded in it. This one is more talking.

Good luck all, I hope you get luck with it!

If anyone would host the original I’d gladly host a torrent file for it.

The file worked! I heard the voice in my dream, and it made me do a reality check :smile: Got half lucid. I still thought of the scenery and the people as somewhat ‘real’, or actually a gameworld and gamepeople, since the dream was playing in a game world.

I combined this method with something like WBTB. I didn’t really got up, but trying to set up my darned cd player woke me up pretty well XD Okay so it’s not like WBTB at all. If I did WBTB for real I think it would be even more effective.

This sounds really interesting. I’ll hopefully try it tonight (as tomorrow is Saturday so I can sleep in). My technique is MILD so I’ll wake up, switch the music file on and go back to sleep. I hope it works.

Anyone uploaded the original track? I’m interested in trying it.
