Here is another freeware program that I have that some of you may also be interested in.
It is a DOS program that is intended to be used when having woken up when doing the WBTB method. It consists of some visual excercises that you can do before going back to bed.
The idea is, that you will dream that you are using the program, and then it won’t work properely and then you’ll realise that you’re dreaming.
Apparantly, the guy who wrote it wrote for himself and has had great success with it, so he decided to make it available to others as freeware.
It’s a very small file (34KB), so why not give it a try!
Yeah I tried that… well, to be frank, I haven’t tried it when I do WBTB. Well, I believe that it will help you to be successful only if you have enough movitation to get up and actually run the program. It might also need to be part of your regular routine like your RCs so you can do them by habit in your dream.
By the way, don’t expect it to be a fancy program, it’s just a DOS program with grey text. lol! I downloaded that, thinking that it was a great cool best program, but to my disappointment, it’s just text with actions. Just had to warn you before the disappointment gets you.
Will take me some time until I really can try it with WBTB, but anyway, I´ll download and have a look at it.
Thanks again… just wondering, where did you get that stuff? Got any more?
I actually think this program could be really useful, if used as instructed and if you really put the effort in. It recommends using it for 10 to 30 minutes. So it wouldn’t work if you just went through it all quickly once, you would probably have to really do it thoroughly for good amount of time.
So it’s not some flashy program that’s going to do it all for you. It is simply what it says, an assistant. It presents you with it’s own type of reality checks, but you have to do them and put the effort in. So in that sense, it’s entirely down to the user as to how effective it is.
However, I haven’t used it for long enough yet to know whether it will work for me, plus I am only a beginner to this whole thing anyway.
Speaking only for myself, I’m hardly going to start up my computer at 4AM (the glare when you are just waking up must sting your eyes). Perhaps when I get a laptop I’ll leave it on standby. I have just started to write my dreams down if I wake up at night (never could be bothered before) so maybe I should put more effort in.