
So, once one is able to become lucid in their dreams… is it not possible for a person to always go into sleeping being concious in the dreamscape, meaning always having dreams and controlling them etc. or can you not control when you dream still…

is that understandable?

Well, it looks like some people on this forum can LD at will… :happy:

Haha, I thought this thread may have been about “Frequency” the movie and how it might somehow tie into lucid dreaming or something. hehe. Well, I think the more you practice LDing the more frequent the dreams will be. I started off with maybe one every two weeks and thought I was doing good, but this month they just exploded! I’ve had 22 LD’s so far in 20 days, so I expect one every night (well, it averages out). You’ll definitely notice the more you put into ld-ing, the more you get out of it.