I’m always seeing my mates in dreams and was wondering what they are like when you talk to them in an LD? Is it just like having a conversation with your real friends?
I’m always seeing my mates in dreams and was wondering what they are like when you talk to them in an LD? Is it just like having a conversation with your real friends?
I never really say a lot with them, but I suppose they seem like the real versions.
i would not know, cause i dont have real life friends anymore.
Kinda, yes. Because your brain knows how they talk, what is their personality type, their habits, etc. So in LD you can have real life friends pretty similar to those what you have IRL. I have had such LD´s and it´s funny to meet this friend later IRL and be tempted to say: “Hey, i already saw you tonight and we had some fun together. Don´t you remember?”
For me meeting RL friends in LD´s is more enjoyable experience than meeting them in ND, because i can conciously chat with them and have fun together.
watch out hé they could be the real ones it’s complicaded I know but my friend came in my dream ( she was LD ) She tried to get me lucid but when I wake up I thought that it was only in my mind but when I went to school she came to me and said: Are you stupid I didn’t come to your dream for fun and you thought I went crazy and I said : Did you really came in my dream ? she said: ofcourse why should I know then and please dream of other things then boys and from that moment I wanted to know everything about LD’s so please watch out what you say to poeple in your dreams it could be the real ones
Just to warn you if you want to kick your teachers or something like that
I once told my old teacher to go **** off in an LD . Hey, she tried to tell me to sit back down and do my work. It worked though… she disapeared when I said that
It doesnt matter if you say **** off to a teacher in a dream, if it is REALLY the teacher (probably not), then he or she won’t believe in SD anyway and ignore it after waking up.
That’s beside the point .
Lol Xetrov you really are against the idea of Shared Dreaming arent you?
No i’m not, im against the idea that every dream that looks like a shared dream is interpreted as one without further thought about it. Clearly thats different from saying that it’s not possible, it’s just more critical …