
ok… so im in a sub-way and there are mothers with babys. So all the babys start crying and this really irritates me. The very instant im in a hospital full of babys and i have a knife in my hand… The rest is messy and so sick that i cant even write it ( i gues you can imagine the rest). So should i seek professional help?
Because im really concerned about my mental health… Im not a monster, am i …? vittu tää on kyl perseestä…

You had this dream only once, or few times?
If only once i think its nothing that bad, i once killed somebody with an piece of glass and could not forget it for the rest of the day…i was even talking with the grandfather of my victim (in the dream)

Do you have these thoughts in waking life as well?? I dont see any problem with doing such an act in a dream, unless you feel like doing it for real.

I dont think it’s anything to worry about. We hear about crime so much in the news and see it on tv. Our minds just absorb a lot of data and then it gets mixed up in our dreams.
Humans are naturally curious as well, might wonder what it would be like to live as someone else, actors enjoy playing the bad guy etc. But if you woke up feeling bad about the dream then it was no more than a nightmare.

Was it a normal dream, a lucid dream… or in waking state? If it’s in waking state, you should definately seek psychological help! :tongue:

If you’re concerned about your mental health you probably have nothing to worry about. It’s when you do it and don’t worry that it becomes worrying.

dont worry… it was obviously a symbolic dream, not a dream representing your actual intentions.

Yes, please do not worry yourself over this. As whispa mentioned, a lot of things we see and hear about in the media ends up in our dreams.

In fact, it’s odd what you and whispa mentioned because just today in the New York Times, I read an article about a man who walked up to a 10-month-old baby in a stroller, and stabbed her in the stomach! How terrible is that! It makes me so sad to hear about this, and it’s hard to handle the thought.

To have dreams of these things is nothing more than your brain replaying or exploring something it has once come across. Believe me, we’ve all had our fair share of disturbing dreams. Don’t worry you’re dreaming this - just be happy the report in the Times isn’t about you! :wink: