Do you find you have more L.D.'s when you sleep on your back, front side or do you think it really doesn’t matter? Thanks!
Well i dosnt really matter that much once you sleep a way 5 years you usaully sleep that way and thats the way your gona get lds. To me it doesnt really matterwhich side i lay on i have my longest lds when i sleep on my stomouch.
Well I normally start out on my back doing deep breaths, counting myself down, etc. If, after 30 minutes or so, I know that I’m not going to relax enough to WILD or have a false awakening, I’ll roll on my right side and see what happens.
Well I don’t know but I really HOPE it doesn’t matter! Could make things only more complex . I can only fall asleep on my front side, and tough I am not a “natural” I am not complaining about my LD-frequency. If I put some effort in it, I have them .
Well, Lucidity Institute has currently some research going on about sleep positures. Here is a page with more information on the experiment and information on how to anticipate in the project. They say they would like to have data from the anticipants until June 15., so I think the report will arrive shortly after this date.
the position of the body i think wouldn’t matter. and even if it did, how are you going to change to this ideal position while asleep. i usually fall asleep laying on my left and wake up on my stomach. i think its all in the mind coaching that brings lucidity, WILDS and such. they say lucidity comes when you shift to a higher consciousness, which during the day might be the equivalent to having an eppihany.
It dosnt matter all that matters is that you get sleep and have lds!
well I once heard that for wilds you want to remain as concious as possible when falling asleep, which is why people sleep on their back which is usually uncomfortable for most, including me. This causes the person to have a harder time falling asleep, and theoretically be more concious when dreaming.
I dont believe this balogny, but wutevah
Well actually i sleep in about every way except for front as much as the other ways and i have definately found that sleeping on my back has produced the best results.
the only time i have had lds was when i was on my back and i notice that my dream recall also improves when i am on my back.
I didn’t sleep on my back until i found out about lding, when i wanted to try everything possible.
Maybe this is a placebo effect-i don’t know but it works for me!
Arrg! This experiment has been going on since around '99, but they keep bumping the deadline date up. :[
I use the same techique, I found relaxation much easier task when I’m on my back. If I’m now going to succeed with WILD I switch to some more pleasant sleeping position.
Just last night I tried WILD, and didn’t succeed so I gave up and started to sleep on my side, and what was the result? DILD.
I have more WILDS than DILDS and I attribute my success to two things:
Don’t waste your time trying for a WILD at night. You are a long way
away from a) being relaxed b) your first REM period, and unless you
use my alcohol technique (mentioned in ‘new methods’, refered to by
someone as AILD), c) anything vivid enough to be called an experience -
Attempting WILD in the morning after using the nap-method, (yep,
the nap-method is standard routine for everything), although
waking in the middle of the night, partially paralysed, is also good.
After waking from a dream, (preferably on your back), as Laberge
says, simply: “play dead.” Just keep your eyes closed, don’t
even twitch. relax completely and let the dream take you in again.
I find that I don’t even have to try to remember to pay-attention
or try enter the dream. If I don’t keep focussed until I enter a
dream, I will wake ‘seconds’ later. If I twitch, I don’t lie there like
an idiot,playing sleeping-crocodile, thinking im going to relax enough
again. I go straight back to sleep and wait for my next opportunity.
So unless you’re a buddhist monk, don’t waste your time trying to relax to the degree that you are when you awake from a dream. The simple fact is that WILD’S, DILD’s, OBE’s, you name it, are MUCH easier in the morning. So get some sleep.