
Last night I did a nose-pinch reality check and realized I was dreaming.

When I went to check my fingers just to be sure, no hands came up in front of my face. Everything was completely still, I couldn’t move at all. I opened my eyes and “reality” was completely still too. I closed my eyes again after this, and I’m pretty sure I fell back asleep.

Has this happened to anybody else?

Can’t recall experiencing anything like that. But nothing is really strange when it comes to dream. Are you saying you woke up for a moment? Sounds like it could have been a FA which continued to be frozen.

Sounds a bit like a problem I used to have while in LD’s.
My eyesight basically froze eachtime I realized I was dreaming, I couldn’t see anything else but the exact spot I had been looking at when my sight froze(it was like a picture).

Whenever this happened, I always had False Awekenings - it could be up to 8 in a row. Each time I got out of my bed my sight froze - really frustrating.
Though, it only seemed to happen when I opened my eyes, so I could move when my eyes were shut.

I solved this by saying to myself “My eyesight is not going to freeze”, if I recall correctly I even created some sort of object, when I held that object, my eyesight wouldn’t freeze.

I’ve had this happen a few times. One way got out of it was to simply decide to look away from the image, as if it was a picture or TV screen. For whatever reason it was easy enough for my mind to comprehend that.

I’ve also found it effective to raise my hand up in front of my face. My mind is so programmed to seeing that happen that my hands usually do appear and then I can see again like normal. In the end, don’t stress yourself about it, you’ll find a way out :content:

I been away from the site for some time but yesterday had my first LD in quite a while (hence once again my LD spark has been ignited :grin:… I understand the kind of problem you speak of… It happens to me often too… like… I’ll realise I’m dreaming and I’ll start moving somewhere like last night I jumped out of my window to start flying, but did it a bit half-heartedly just about sure it was a dream but still a little timid haha… I guess that’s why I was going reallllllly slow… and it became hard to look around in any detail. I found myself on the ground, by my dad’s car and I decided to place my hands on the bonnet of the car, and feeling the texture really helped stabalise the dodginess of the dream at that moment. I managed to make it across the road into a block of flats alright though, so I guess my control is improving throughout my LDs… slowly but surely!

Anyway, I understand your frustration - sometimes it can feel like this is all that happens in LDs… I get suddenly frozen/stuttery quite often but over time it seems to improved a little… Just get used to not getting so overwhelmed by it for a start… try to take a mindset of “ahhh great I’m dreaming haha… cool… what to do? :smile:” (rather than “YES! I’m in an LD! YES! YES!”) :razz: