
Well I went to the Bahamas this past week and going there seemed to trigger a variety of dreams, two of which were almost lucid. The first one, I dreamed that I was trying to dream, so I could have an LD. I was lying in my bed, trying to sleep, but there were about 10 people going in and out of my room talking to me. I was trying to tell them to go away so I could go to sleep and have a LD, but they didn’t listen. So, I closed my eyes and it started getting black, and I almost started dreaming in my dream. But, then I woke up. The very next night I had a FLD. I was inside the dream of a dream this time, and I thought I was lucid, but the more I thought about it, the more I realize it was just my DC thinking I was lucid, and not my real self believing it fully. So, I had a tough week with dreams, coming close, but not close enough…Any thoughts on getting to an LD faster, considering I’ve been dry for about 4 years.

Same problems here, just one hour ago in my sleep (I woke up to continue my revision for a bloody exam - I’hope it’s the last one in my life) I watched my hands not being able to keep their normal shape and anything, and I thought that hey, If I can do that, I can even astral project but instead of realising that i am dreaming (which I did only for a sec) my sub-conscious thought that my dream was more important than this, and I continued having afterwards one of my weirdest dreams in my life! (yes I’ve written it down).

Well, it’s a good sign that you’re getting closer. So don’t give up.

As for advice… well… I’m afraid i don’t have any…

Yes, don’t stop practicing! You could for instance work on your critical attitude. Whenever you do a RC, really think about what you’re doing. See the world as a dream and visualize the feeling you might get upon realizing this. Also, try to see everything as dream scenes, dream objects and DCs when you’re not doing a RC. It may be hard to think about this in the beginning, but in time you will reach this critical state of mind automatically. It is as if you’re always questioning the reality you’re in, even if you’re not actively thinking about it.
As you probably know, a critical attitude irl will increase the likelihood of getting a LD afterwards.
I hope this might help a bit.

Good luck! :content:

Yeah, I’ve really tried to think about my reality checks. That’s the only way they’ll work. It does seem that I’m getting closer, but still, it’s tough when I had them at 14 but not 18. I wonder how that made a difference.

Try stopping. Then start again. :smile:

I completely agree with Mystic. Definitely work on your critical reasoning it is a big plus.

I assume you keep a dream journal and use it consistently.

It sounds like you are getting very close so, what ever you do don’t give up now. Think about the induction techniques you use right now and try to add something more to it. Do you do any sort of meditation or MILD induction at bed time? There is also the ever popular WBTB method.

Good luck