Fun things to do in LD

Tell me your favorite thing to do in LD, and I’ll do it myself!

Anyone going to say something?

Fly, control people, make bad guys and fight them, try to find your guardian angel.

Fun things like that. :smile:

I never done anything yet, but I like to see if you could summon your soul mate :grin:

The best answer is indoubetably (you have to pronounce it that way): Build a house. But not just any house. Build a house that is only a house in the loosest sense of the term. Build a house so complex, so impossibly large, that it would take years just to explore the main rooms, let alone the fortified underground bunker, the out buildings, the nearby (relatively) summer home, and the magically invisible 777th floor. Build a house so impossibly awesome, that from it, you can rule the world! :ebil:

Telekinesis while floating in air is my favorite thing to do in an LD :tongue: its fun to see how the DC’s react when Im in an LD, Im doing things I wouldnt do IRL in these dreams :biggrin:

We already have the fav things to do in LD TOPIC, please use that one :smile: