Whenever i practice doing WILD at night, my body becomes very tingly feeling which usually gets to the point where it gets unbearable and i cant lay still anymore. It feels like i have to move my body! does anybody else get this strange feeling. i dont think its associated with the onset of sleep, but it might be. who knows…?
they’re called vibrations and they indeed are associated with the onset of sleep, and no you’re not alone. staying still during those vibrations is hard i know (which is why i haven’t been very successful with WILDing) good luck to you though
Maybe try to shift your attention to something else. Try to focus on HI or something to try and draw your attention to something besides the tingling. It is hard to tell from your description but there is a light tingly sensation that you get when doing meditation or hypnosis and then there are very strong vibrations. I know its hard to do but you have to try and ignore it till you go deeper then you will feel numb. I often have a similar problem. I often need to go to the bathroom or at least feel like I do but, I just draw my attention away from that(not easy) until I get myself down deeper.
Thank you so much for the help. i didnt think the feeling i was getting had anything to do with the vibrations though, because it doesnt really feel like i’m vibrating. but i will try to keep my mind off it from now on
I get that tingling too. But for me it usually happens before the I get vibrations. I can get that tingling sensation almost whenever I want if I relax enough, even during the day.
I’ve also noticed that when i lay down my head on my desk at school for example, i automatically start getting really weird feelings in my head and it feels like my body is either spinning really fast or falling. Its quite strange
I often experience something similar. My body starts to tingle and paralyze slightly, but for some reason my legs always start to twitch! I have to focus on keeping them still or the WILD will fail.
WILD is essentially experiencing the process from waking to sleeping and dreaming consciously. Since everyone’s body and brain is a bit different, everyone experiences WILD in their own way.
I fall asleep pretty fast so I usually don’t suffer from vibrations or weird sensations for too long. I often feel a lot of pressure and even pain in my jaw and teeth which kinda freaks me out. :\
I guess the best way to get through it is to use some relaxation techniques and to focus on your breathing.
That happens to me sometimes… but I’m not trying to WILD. At least, I don’t think I am. I dunnno how to WILD. I’ve never seen an explantion on how to do it, so one of my techniques might be kindda similliar.
Oh, and yeah, I move as well. Simply cos it’s not very nice .
I used to get the feeling of falling when i was in school (spent a lot of time sleeping through useless compulsory classes). Think it might have to do with the position of your head.
This can only happen in REM-sleep. It means that you are sleeping already! If you wake up you will feel like you were awake, but that is because you sleep light in the early state. If someone who has just fallen asleep is waken he/she will claim to have been awake the whole time.