Greetings Kindred Spirit!
These emails serve to explain the 13-Moon Dreamspell Calendar
System, Galactic Time Science for personal and planetary transformation.
Delivered to us by Dr. Jose Arguelles, this system integrates teachings of the
ancient Yucatec Chilam Balam Jaguar Priests, empowering us in today’s world to live as Earth Wizards of Natural Time.
(For an introductory overview of this Time System, please see )
This Galactic Moon Emailer Features:
We are now in the 8th Moon of the 13-Moon Year, corresponding to Tone 8
of the Annual Wavespell Spiral.
Moon 8 is called “Galactic Moon” (always correlated to Feb 7 - Mar 6).
Its totem animal is Hawk.
The key words to focus on for “Galactic Moon” include its -
Power: “Harmonize”
Action: “Model”
Essence: “Integrity”
Action Directive: “Do I live what I believe?”
As Mahatma Gandhi said: “You must be the change you wish to see in the
world.” This now infamous quote is an empowering call to our hearts,
asserting that the best way to effect positive transformation in this
shared Life is to model our ideals. How can we expect anyone else to change, evolve, or contribute in ways that we ourselves are not willing or able to do? By living aligned with our deepest values we demonstrate to others the many new paradigm lifestyle choices that are possible! As we incarnate our ethics, we can inspire our fellow beings with our embodied strength and clarity of character. To be phase-locked with our own personal sense of integrity is to live aligned with our conscience, both in attitude and action.
The Galactic Hawk asks us: Are we living in integrity with the web of life? Are we accountable for our behavior? Are we honest with our relationships and our responsibilities? Are we being and doing what we came to Earth for? Let us strive to be honest in our assessments, for if we are out of integrity in any area it is draining to our being and is not honoring the Truth of who we are. This Moon 8 is a time to check in and see if we need to adjust any areas of our life so that we can experience the power of our own personal coherence. This Galactic Moon also reminds us that by embodying and modeling our integrity we are able to harmonize with other people and circumstances so that harmony results not out of compromise but out of collaboration!
As of this most recent new moon, we have begun The Year of the Wooden Rooster aka The Green Hen! Learn more at: ***
The 13 day Wavespells which flow through this Moon 8 are:
The Yellow Warrior Wavespell
Galactic 2 - Galactic 14 (Feb 8 - Feb 20)
Yellow Warrior’s Code Words: Questions / Intelligence / Fearlessness
Suggested focuses to activate Yellow Warrior’s energies include:
Examine our existence, discern truth from illusion, question authority, question our own dogma, question our fears, dispel our sense of limitations, clarify motivations, acquire and apply knowledge, advance towards our goals, courageously and compassionately feel, embrace our fears while moving into, through and beyond them - as guided by the tender heart of the “Shambhala Warrior.”
The Yellow Warrior Wavespell is always the “ripening” wavespell of the 52-day “Yellow Southern Castle of Giving,” which brings the theme of “Fearless Giving.”
The Red Moon Wavespell
Galactic 15 - Galactic 27 (Feb 21 - Mar 5)
Red Moon’s Code Words: Purifies / Universal Water / Flow
Suggested focuses to activate Red Moon’s energies include:
Claim our divinity and wholeness, activate “self-remembrance,” cleanse ourselves of impurities and contaminants, make amends, cry, release, refresh, celebrate our sanctity, surrender to the divine flow as it circulates the waves of our lives, celebrate the many mystical manifestations of moon and water - within and without!
The Red Moon Wavespell is always the “initiating” wavespell of the
52-day “Green Central Castle of Enchantment,” which brings the theme of “Magic Flight.”
"There Is No Tomorrow" By Bill Moyers
“A Message To the World” From the Contemporary Crystal Skull Grandpa Sunhawk
*Bringing deeper meaning to the culture of “Valentine’s Day,” the global “V-Day” Movement is inviting all to join their efforts to stop violence against women and girls. Please visit their site and learn about their mission. To find a performance benefit in your area go to: !
*Dr. Jose Arguelles, the man who delivered this 13-Moon Dreamspell Calendar System,is offering an upcoming workshop you may wish to explore:
“2012: The Spiritual Journey - The Coming of Cosmic Civilization and the New Mind” Solar Moon 19-21 (Gregorian March 25-27, 2005)
Please see:
*Personal Oracle Readings from Intiana are available once again!
If interested, please see
Thank you for participating in an ever-expanding global community of
natural time Earth Wizards! People are welcome to share this “13-moon emailer” with all who might be interested.
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In Lak’ech - I Am Another Yourself!