Games decreases ld chance and lowers dream recall?

I spended 5 days in my grandfathers and grandmothers cabin, when i was there i didin’t play any games and i spent 5-6 hours outdoors. The only technical thing i used was my phone. At night i remember 4-5 dreams and one night i got 4 long Lucid dreams. It can either be the games or the hours in the sun. (or both) What do you think?

I’m going to give it a shot and say, probably the sun. I am no expert, but I’ve seen in multiple places that sun can help with Lucid Dreaming.

*you spent :tongue:

Changing living and sleeping place/position can increase LD chance too :smile:

Getting sun is good for dreaming as it helps with melatonin production.

I think that games can only have a negative effect on your dreams if you play before bed. Tv screens and monitors before bed keep your mind too awake and can interfere.

I think that the fact of not playing video-games may increase your DR, because something changed in your mind, you don’t do ordinary things you were used to do.
But saying that video games decrease DR is a little bit hasty extrapolation here…

I have to agree with dagto here. Actually, studies suggest that playing video games increase lucidity: … h-video-ga mes/

I don’t think you have considered ALL the possibilities here.
Yes, maybe not playing video games has increased your lucidity, but it may be only because you EXPECTED the cessation of the games to do so! The sunlight probably had a definite physiological effect (as was mentioned) because of the melotonin production. But, In Lucid Dreaming : A gateway to the inner self by Robert Waggoner he mentions that changing the place where you sleep may cause you to be more alert (because you are sleeping in an unfamiliar environment) and thus would cause you to be more likely alert also in your dreams!
Another factor that could play a role here is a big one: expectations. I already mentioned it but it bears repeating. Our expectations can have a very real effect on us, not only in dreams but in waking too. And it is important to realize what your expectations are: where you, prior to going to your grandparents, expecting to have LD because you weren’t going to play games? Did you think about it before? Have you tried to stop playing video games because you thought it might affect your dream recall/lucidity? If yes, you don’t have to answer me, but just answer them to yourself, then that might be your trigger there!