Garanteed Lucid Dreaming???

What do you guys think of this? … g/?int=GGL

I’ve only looked at it and its doubtful I’d spend money on it, but have any of you guys tried it? Or, have you tried something similar and gotten good or bad results?
Just curious. :smile:

Sounds interesting, but there’s no way I’m paying that much for it! It seems to just rely on a type of herb and drink… If anyone from here buys and uses it, I’d like to hear the results! :content:

Yea this has been brought up before but, I am to tired right now to find the link.

In my opinion you don’t need it. I am sure everything he has in his kit and more can be found here at ld4all for free!

Also no one can guarantee that you will have lucid dreams in a specific period of time. LD ‘s come at different times for everyone.

There are even free downloads here that you can burn to a CD’s for free!

It is up to you but I would not waste my money on it.

Thats what I was thinking.

AGREE WITH “milod789”

Agreed. I have great success with the CD that I created free for download. So far I havent missed yet, but I play the cd at 3 or 4 until you wake up. Let it loop and play it with some volume. Everytime I’ve had a lucid due to I could hear the CD in my dream; and it continues to keep you lucid because it keeps repeating(set windows media player to repeat). I know everyone is different but I think it’s a good start for some.

phoen+ :peek:

Hey Josh Redstone.

Please search te forum before you post something to check if there is already a threat on it.

There is a topic on the lucid dreaming kit here:

This one is locked now.