Has anyone tried this [lucid dreaming kit]?

Hi there, I think this is new but maybe someone has it. direct link removed, please don’t link to product vendors
It says guaranteed lucid dreams in 1 week but I’m not sure, maybe is another guy trying to sell the same methods we use for a lot of money. Ckeck it and tell me what you think about it.

Sure doesnt look like its worth 59 dollars, when it seems most of the software and information it has you could get free from other sources.

I guess thats why theres this exclusive ONE SKILL which gives you lucid dreams everynight (edit: ok, lol, maybe he didnt say that). In that case, one person needs to learn it and teach everyone else! Assuming we don’t already know this one skill.

It looks like it might have some useful info for people with lots of money to burn.

I wouldnt trust it, it probably has some catch to it. you should stick to the techniques offered here. They are free :wink:
I didnt buy the thing but I bet I know what its like…

he says the kit includes…

How to enjoy your first lucid dream, by following the seven day course plan - I dont think everyone is going to get a lucid dream with his, seven day course plan… in the first seven days.

The FOUR secret methods for going “lucid” whenever you want - that doesnt means it works whenever you want

The exact times you dream every night - and why only THREE of these times are important
- I’m sure you could learn about your REM periods on tyhe internet somewhere

The ultimate lucid dreaming tool - and you probably already have it! - no idea what he’s talking about

How to almost GUARANTEE lucid dreams, thanks to ONE little-known herb - I bet he’s talking about mugwarts

Exactly why you SHOULDN’T drink Calea Zacatechichi tea!
- do you really need to know?

The 90-minute technique that increases your chances of a lucid dream by 2000%
- he might be talking about “rythm napping”

The amazing Logical Feedback technique: enter your lucid dream consciously, without any preparation
- sounds like a wild to me

Your six unique reality checking points - and why they’re critical to your success - does it matter when you do them?

The secret techniques for controlling your dreams, including HOW TO FLY and how to stop yourself from waking up - thats just stupid, you can figure out how to control your dreams by yourself and the way to keep you from waking, he will tell you the spinning technique, and to rub your arms…

The SECRET TWO WORDS you need to shout to instantly make your dreams clearer - “clarity now” and “increase lucidity now” , possibly “increase dreamtime now”

The simple drink you can buy anywhere, which can seriously BOOST your dreaming - eh?

How you can turn nightmares into great dreams, with one simple trick - if someone is chasing you, turn around and chase them. If you are being attacked give the bad guy a hug…

The Pajama technique that rockets your dream memory - stick to a dream journal

Your personal CHEAT SHEET, showing everything you need to do to guarantee a lucid dream… TONIGHT! - its probably a summary of everyting in the kit.

All he’s done is taken information that can be found over the internet, and organized it into a “kit” to make money.

It’s a waste…

(I hate advertising)

Hey lunatic, very good insight. And here
“The simple drink you can buy anywhere, which can seriously BOOST your dreaming”
I don’t know why, but I think he’s talking about milk. I think I read before something about milk that makes you have more vivid dreams.

The techniques I use here are pretty effective, Ill just stick to this, If I didnt give up on LDing so soon I might be up to about 25 lucid dreams a month, my average when I was practing was 15 LD a month. Im getting back into it.

If I had the FOUR secret words to give me lucidity whenever I wanted, I wouldn’t need the 90 minute technique to increase my chances by 2000%… and at the rate I am going, even if I did increase my chances by 2000% I would still be a long way off :bored:

If its too good to be true then it probably is!

You can get all he info from it for free. The drink he talks about is not milk, it is a tea made from Calea Zacatechichi, direct link removed, please don’t link to product vendors

it cant be Calea Zacatechichi tea, in his discription he tells you not to drink it…

Why shouldn’t you drink Calea Zacatechichi?

no idea :\

One shouldnt drink calea tea since it tastes extremely horrible! I couldnt think of any better way to induce vomitting :razz:… So, better smoke it (if you dont mind a little smoke in your lungs once in a big while…)

And about that kit, i totally agree with the critisism here.

Check out this site: allebooksfree.com

It’s a site a partner of mine once put together to sell e-books. There were like 1000 e-books in the collection, and members got them all FREE.

Well, you could just as readily download each book free from separate sites online. They were free anyway, so why was there any value to this? Well, simply put it was easy to get access to all the books in a library form, and download all 400mb of them to your computer.

So it all comes down to people being lazy. The same is true of anyone who buys this product. Of COURSE it’s all available for free online and on this site. Heck. He probably came here and copied us verbatim on some stuff.

The difference between his product and the allebooksfree one is that all the information IS available free in one location online: here. And guess what? You get mentoring here, experiences of others, and it’s not just the perspective of one person who probably has never had an LD or if he has, isn’t really an expert.

No expert would ever say you could gaurantee LD in a week or other nonsense he is posting.

Oh yeah, and he’s probably saying you get instant LD’s with Salvia Divinorum, but that’s not true either, and it’s not safe for the average person to use considering the education needed before use and the stupidity of the average person.

i am looking more into it b/c i am a noob but i dunno

I bought one of these kits just to find out if it offers anything new. It doesn’t really, its just all of the best known techniques repackaged and dressed up in glossy “kit” form. While it would undoubtedly help anyone new to lucid dreaming to experience lucid dreams, everything it contains can be learned from reading a good book (“exploring the world of lucid dreaming” for instance) and from forums such as this one and the Lucidity Institute. So in my opinion it’s not worth the money, it’s just a load of clever marketing.
As for Calea Zacatachichi, I have used it a few times and it does have an incredible effect on your dreams in terms of clarity and vividness. I have about one lucid dream a week on average, and as yet have not become lucid whilst using Calea. I think when it does happen though it will produce an incredibly vivid and powerfull lucid dream. That’s the impression I get with this stuff. I drank it in tea form and contrary to most of what I’ve read about it, didn’t find it as horribly bitter as many people say. In fact I quite like it - maybe I’m just weird.

That must be it :wink:


since you were kind enough to take a shot in the wallet for us, would you let us in on the “big secrets” ?


-What is the mystery drink you can buy anywhere?

-What are the four secret methods to induce lucids whenever you want?

-What’s the 90 minute technique to increase chance of lucidity by 2000%?

-What’s the “ultimate lucid dreaming tool” that we probably already have?

-What’s that “ONE little known herb” that produces LD’s?


-Is that “Audio Stimulation CD” any good?


Yeah I wanted to know that too BTW…

nods me too. That’d be rather helpful… though I’m sure we already know it all. snickers

I am curious too…