I have begun doing RCs very regularly now but the problem is that I know that if I just wait for a normal dream and then hopefully do an RC I could wait for months. I rarely have dreams which I can remember even a tiny bit (assuming I really do dream every night without remembering most of it) so it could take me aeons!
There are two possible reasons I can think of for this. The first and most obvious is that I only sleep for 6:30-7 hours or even less on weekdays. I’m also under a lot of stress at the moment beginning courseworks, however, I doubt this is it because I haven’t dreamt regularly ever, even when I was a lot smaller.
The second possibility is that I have a phobia of dreams induced by a recent one where I had oh so many FAs trying to escape from my horrific dreams which seemed to be really jerky and just repeating a tiny bit jerking back and forth, with repetitive sound too. Anyway, I think I had a few real awakenings within just seconds of beginning the dream and my heart rate shoots up like hell. I can feel it beating, which is pretty rare. It went sooo fast it seriously creeped me out.
Everybody dreams on a regular basis when they sleep. There are no known exceptions to this rule. If you were to not dream you would go mad and eventually die.
If you usually don’t remember you dreasm in the morning set an alarm to wake you up about 4 and a half hours into the night, this alarm should interrupt a dream which you will then remember. As soon as you wake up write it down. The more you do this the better your recall will get. ’
Also do some techniques like MILD or WILD, when you wake up in the night.
I meant that seriously I cannot remember more than 4 dreams in what must have been months. I don’t get a slipping “what was my dream” feeling often either. I just don’t seem to have them.
if thats how long you’ve been trying to become lucid, then you must have no dream recall
i think you just need to start a dream journal, because that has worked for me
ive only been aware of lucid dreaming for four nights, and i managed to get at least one dream down each night, and last night i had three, which is the most ever
then again, i am speaking on assumptions, are you keeping a dream journal?