Getting back into LDing

Hmm I wanna get back into it but I had to stop doing it for a while cause all my LD’s turned into terror when I kept getting chased by this scary monster thing, I need help!


Why don’t you confront the monster instead of running away from it?

imwhoim’s idea is right. If you confront your terror with bravery and resolution, it will turn into a more sophisticated form, and most likely reveal to you what it truly is. Nightmares are your subconscious trying to tell you of your problems, so if you continue to run from them, then they’ll only get worse.

Don’t yell at it, or try and kill it, just ask it questions. “why are you here? who are you? who am I? what do you want with me?”

I can go into much more detail if you need it, so just ask if you want to know more.

Well nearly every time I would LD I kept getting this Freedy Krueger type monster after me, he would just appear all the time and then i’d just assume he’d always be there. When I LD It usually starts with me in my room and im always scared of going down the stairs because I used to have dreams that my family were no longer there and something would get me, im 17 now but I still am terrified once im in the dream, I tried to confront it and he was laughing at me, It’s hard to explain but I feel if I try to talk to it it will just laugh at me in a terrifying way and I feel powerless

I want to be in the good dreams again!

Help me with that problem

First things first, try not to double-post. People will reply eventually, without the post needing to be “bumped.”

Anyways, you are not powerless in your dreams, in fact, just the opposite. Freddy can’t actually hurt you, despite the conditions, as he is just a part of your subconscious mind. Try befriending him. Many people on this forum have had success with that approach. Like Thai Boxer said, ask him questions. You don’t have to be afraid of a dream character.

I used to have the same problem with WILD’ing. I used to let fear of Old Hag hinder me from practicing it, but I kept reasoning with myself night after night that I couldn’t be harmed, and now I’m WILD’ing at every opportunity.

But to help you with your problem, there are so many things you can do to stop Fred. Start laughing with him. Tell him you’re dreaming, so he can’t harm you. Transform him into a bunny. Imagine someone just outside the door who is willing to help you out with this problem. Exit through the window instead of going downstairs. There are ways around Mr. K. You just have to find/invent them.

But thats easier said then done… You cannot fully control your dream like in real life.

Mm? You mean you can’t rationally think like you can IRL? Well, that’s why when I’m about to WILD, I repeat a kind of mantra of something specific I want to happen. For example, I will repeat to myself that I want to exit through window instead of exiting through front door. Works well for me…

Plus, I understand it’s easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible to be done in the first place.

This is a bit simpler, and a bit more complex then that.
First, you can do anything you want in an LD. This means literaly anything! If you can think it, you can do it.
That said, it is not just your conscious mind that has to belive this, it is also your SC mind. That makes it more complex, because your SC mind may have some things that it wants to hide from your conscious mind, or there may be things that it wants to protect you from, i.e. some fear, or something that it is trying to tell you in some indirect manner. The last could be the cause of always seeing someone, or something in your dreams even if you don’t want to see them/it.
As has been said lots of times here, doubt can also keep you from doing anything in an LD, or a ND for that matter. If you doubt that you can fly in your LD, then you will at least have dificulty flying.
One more thing that can have an impact on what you can do is the level of lucidity in your dream. As everyone who rembers lots of their dreams knows, strange things happen in dreams. Your SC seems to “turn off” certain reality checks during dreams, so that you just don’t notice that people, places change their form color etc. Even when you are lucid in a dream, you can miss things that can’t happen IRL but happen in the dream when you have a low level of lucidity. That is why some people notice that they are dreaming in the dream, but then go on as if it were not a dream, and lose lucidity.
That all means that if you want to do anything in an LD, you have to do two things. First learn to increase the level of lucidity you have in your dreams. Two convince yourself that you can realy do it in the dream. If you can do these two things, then you can do anything in your dreams. The closer you get, the more you can do, so you can use every success to build up your confidence in your ability to do what you want if you can’t do it yet.

I completely disagree. You can control your LD’s far better than real life. Where did you see IRL than you can turn suddenly someone who wants to beat you into a friend? It’s quite impossible IRL, it’s very easy for me in LD’s.

spike101, find a bazooka and explode this monster. When you fight against monsters, they often flee. A friend of mine wanted to have a lasersaber challenge with Darth Vador, he couldn’t cause Darth Vador was a coward and was always running away. :happy:

O.K Thanks for all the help guys! Ill try befirending him but it is a little scary when your actually infront of him, i’ll try all the other good tips aswell, maybe all this happens because I expect it and if I dont maybe it will just be like IRL