Getting back into the zone

I haven’t had a LD in a long long while, but when I was at my peak I could have an LD a night and it wqas awesome.

Well, anyway I recently started attempting to lucid dream again and I’m getting no where.

Back when I was at my peak I had tons of motivation. I still want to have a lucid dream but my motivation is not as high.

Today I trieda WBTB/WILD well, I woke up 6 hours after going to sleep jotted some notes down in my DD, came here checked the forum and I went to my mothers bed because she has dark curtains and an actual bed(she goes to work at 10:00AM so she is like the perfect alarm clock), I sleep on a pullout couch on a third floor looking to the east, so in the morning the sun is really intense

I was laying in bed and I was awake and I thought I would never get to bed, I was like fully awake… or so I thought. The time was 10:08, I was laying in bed counting every time I exhaled. I had some HH but I had to wake up because I was sleeping on my hand wrong and I cut the circulation off to my hand and I had to repostistion my body. The time was 10:26.

I went back to bed and I guess I lost my will and I slipped into a deep sleep, I awoke at 1:30PM. I thought I was up for the day but oh my was I suprised to sleep for so long. My problem is I can’t keep awake to enter the HH/HI state.

I did it today for only a couple of seconds, I got a feeling of being jolted for a quick second and that is always a good sign. But what Can I do to stay awake during a WBTB.

I have tried everything on this site.

I have tried Autosuggestion, I tried counting, I tried concious breathing, and I have tried like every WILD method out there(except Suneye). I made a post about self hypnosis because that could help me but no one even made a reply to that topic.

What can I do?

If WILD fails, try MILD (+WBTB too!). Had any luck with that in the past?

I don’t know how to MILD

I posted the MILD technique few days ago in this thread:
[url]a kind of odd thing...]

Thank you very much BW, words cannot express my gratitude… oh wait, they just did. I’ll be reading for a good while

i’ve been in your boat many a time garlic my friend… i hate taking a break from lding (joined in '02, heh) and having a hard time getting as good at is as you once were. like you i used to be able to ld almost nightly for a while… but then somehow i quit (mystery to me) and it’s hard to start up again cause you don’t want to go through the learning process over again.

but i’m gettin successful once more and happy where things are going… i’ve just gotta make sure i don’t quit again. but anyways, good luck to you :content:

Well, I am going to go lucid with in the week, I am so sure of it that I will bet the live of my first born son.

But this will never happen because I cannot procreate by traditional means.

try stay awake for at least 40 minutes during your WBTB period… If you can stay awake for about 60+ minutes, thats even better.
Increases your chances…
Don’t just lie in bed the whole time though, get up and do things (as youn ssaid you did anyway)…