I haven’t had a LD in a long long while, but when I was at my peak I could have an LD a night and it wqas awesome.
Well, anyway I recently started attempting to lucid dream again and I’m getting no where.
Back when I was at my peak I had tons of motivation. I still want to have a lucid dream but my motivation is not as high.
Today I trieda WBTB/WILD well, I woke up 6 hours after going to sleep jotted some notes down in my DD, came here checked the forum and I went to my mothers bed because she has dark curtains and an actual bed(she goes to work at 10:00AM so she is like the perfect alarm clock), I sleep on a pullout couch on a third floor looking to the east, so in the morning the sun is really intense
I was laying in bed and I was awake and I thought I would never get to bed, I was like fully awake… or so I thought. The time was 10:08, I was laying in bed counting every time I exhaled. I had some HH but I had to wake up because I was sleeping on my hand wrong and I cut the circulation off to my hand and I had to repostistion my body. The time was 10:26.
I went back to bed and I guess I lost my will and I slipped into a deep sleep, I awoke at 1:30PM. I thought I was up for the day but oh my was I suprised to sleep for so long. My problem is I can’t keep awake to enter the HH/HI state.
I did it today for only a couple of seconds, I got a feeling of being jolted for a quick second and that is always a good sign. But what Can I do to stay awake during a WBTB.
I have tried everything on this site.
I have tried Autosuggestion, I tried counting, I tried concious breathing, and I have tried like every WILD method out there(except Suneye). I made a post about self hypnosis because that could help me but no one even made a reply to that topic.
What can I do?