After about 2 months of practice, I think I’m starting to get close. Last night after relaxing in bed for a few minutes, I began to see hypnagogic imagery. What worked for me was switching between thinking about things and consciously making up scenarios in my head, and actually observing the hypnagogic imagery. After a while longer, I got the strangest feeling; I felt my body fading away, like I was beginning to lose sensory input. I was still fully conscious and aware of my surroundings. I then found myself going through a tunnel of, I don’t quite know how to describe it, red stars? At the end of the experience I think I saw something at the end of the tunnel, and maybe the tunnel was beginning to turn into a cave. It is at that moment that I woke up, or rather just simply opened my eyes. My heart was beating fast and I was somewhat scared from the whole experience as I did not know what lied ahead. Does this mean I am getting close? I have never gotten this far in observing hypnagogic imagery as to begin to lose feeling of my body. And how should I combat this fear of going further? And are WILDs a good way to achieve full lucidity, or should I be concentrating on MILDs and DILDs as a beginner?
now to start off i want to say i am new to this thing in terms of actually seeking information etc., so take my suggestions with a pinch of salt.
to me it sounds much more like an AP or OBE than a type of LD, then again i could be wrong.
As for combatting the fear i would suggest that you occationally tell yourself that nothing can hurt you where you are going, and that all is safe. The real problem is “fear of the unknown” so the only way to fully combat the fear is to have the experience so you realise that there was nothing to fear after all.
hope that helps.
I have had that happen. I was lying in bed doing the WILD technique and i saw a spiral sucking everything in. I tried to go with it, telling myself to relax and got very close. The rush was too much for me , I guess, and I opened my eyes. It was really cool, and a little frightening. I have been waiting for that feeling for a while so I was quite excited when it was over (a little dissappointed though that I didn’t go all the way).
You’re doing great. I understand how you feel when you encounter something unknown. I have been working on WILD lately and I still haven’t get used to that vibration and “sinking” sensation yet. Every time I success, I seem to get excited and ruin my experience. I have found that it only works very well when I’m too tired to react or anything. Keep gtrying, don’t ever give up! Ok? Promise me alright?
from what I have read over the years, the WILD method seems to be one if not the best method for becoming lucid. Maintaining awareness as one falls asleep is the method I have seen the Tibetan dream yogas advocate, and I am starting to experiment with it more myself now. I have had a little success, seeing some pretty clear hypnagogic images, but without achieving the depth of dream that I am seeking yet. But I am aware that this practice takes dedication. As for fear, all I can honestly say is…don’t be frightened! Seriously, there really is nothing to fear, but fear itself. Just try and push yourself a little further, one step at a time. As long as you progress slightly, even just a little, it is better than standing still, or worse, going backwards!
Thanks guys.
On a side note, from what I hear, if you happen to see a long tunnel with a bright light at the end, you generally don’t want to go towards the light.
Over the last couple of weeks I have not been able to get as much sleep as I would have liked. However, this seems to be doing something good. I am getting the WILD vibrations very quickly after lying down to go to sleep. I get intense imagery and hear little nioses. It must be because I am so tired that they come on so quickly. I can’t seem to go with them yet though. I always hold myself back for some reason. The mental blocks can be difficult to overcome. I know that all I need to do is keep trying.
What are these WILD vibrations that everyone is talking about? How do they feel, and how did you get them. They sound very interesting. Is it internally? Or do you feel it over your skin? Thanks!
What is the best time to set my alarm for my WILD attempt and should I be imagining a place to go or just telling myself to dream? Im not that experienced with this method but I’m trying it out. What are the chances that I’ll dream of the place or thing I’m imagining?
Any imput will help me out of this hole