I had the weirdest dream last night. Well first i was in my living room and i sat down in a chair and fell asleep. (this was all a dream) So now i am dreaming inside my dream and i notice im dreaming there… i have a very vivid dream but it isnt an LD or it was just an LD in a dream in a dream if that makes sense?? I had like some control but it was weird… At the end, the dream started to fade and i woke in the chair… then i awoke in my bed. Well at least i thought about LDing in a dream so thats a start?
LOL that’s a typical false lucid dream (FLD), dreaming about falling asleep and then becoming lucid while you think the guy who fell asleep in that dreambed (or chair in your example) is the real waking you. Can be confusing, such a “nested” dream. Had the same experience shortly before I had my first real LD though I don’t know if it’s a common experience like false awakenings. But I’m sure you’re coming very close.
I agree, but you must be watchfull too. This “Fake” dream could be a product of unsatisfied lusts, which means that you really want a LD! And as everyone knows sometimes you dream of things you really want. So don’t be to hasty on getting your first LD, if you take it easy it goes a lot faster.
FLD can be a bit annoying… but in my opinion… it’s still a lucid dream… even though you think that your dream body is the one who is sleeping. You KNOW it is a dream; therefore, why should it be any different than real LD?
By the way, I warn you… with FLD you can be confused because sometimes after FLD, you wake up thinking that you actually wake up, but you didn’t. So you wake up again… so on.
Take it easy like DutchThor said. Just relax yourself… you’re getting there!
Lieve dromen (sweet dreams!)
i just had another fake lucid dream last night and i was thinking of lucid dreaming a lot in my dream… nothing seemed to click. I hope one of these times it will help me become lucid for real. The thing is i do want a lucid dream but i havent been trying hard or anything so its not that. Im barely trying at all .
Well i had my first LD today.
But i also had kind of a FLD before.
I was talking with some people (2).[Cant remember what about]
I felt sleepy, after that i remember closing my eyes and i tryed to control my dreams[in fact it wasnt a dream, it was all black and i was alone there]
so i did what everybody would in first ld(wich i though i had)i flied in the ‘black’’. Well i think i understood something was wrong, this couldnt have been a dream. Thats how i understood i was sleeping.(in reallity)
After that i found my self(in another dream) in wich i got control later.
[ Did my first flying practise ].
I also once had a dream in wich i had a fight, in another dream same night i was telling a friend about the fight i had before.[Not like a dream though, it was reallity for my then(sleeping tough)]
I think you are close, you must just say when you have them ‘something is wrong here’.
Best wishes John