Last night, I had a really short dream, maybe a few minutes, where a DC was shaking me and telling me to wake up. I did, and went back to sleep seconds later and had normal dreams for the rest of the night.
Does this mean I’m getting close to my first LD? Or was it just a random brain-fart or something?
Brain fart, I’d say. You were dreaming about getting closer to LD. That doesn’t mean you aren’t getting closer, though. Keep the faith. Do RC’s, DJ’s, and try WILD. You’ll get it.
No, I think you should increase your daily dosage of MILD and RCs! Every 15 minutes is good. I think it’s definitely a sign that you’re on the border… you just gotta give it some push. Keep at it and good luck!
Once, i had a dream were i was at a class, and sundenly feel on the floor sleeping. I then heard a voice saying to stand up again or the class wold notice, but i replied saying " No worry, Im in a dream ( or did a say sleep?, dont remember) anyaway." And the dream continued as normal.