Getting into Lucid dreaming once again

Hi all, havent been here in a while and i was wondering how i could get back into Lucid Dreaming, Since the start of the summer i have been going to bed quite late and I need to try to get to bed earlier, can anyone help me by giving me advice on:

  1. How to get back into Lucid dreaming and
  2. How to try to get to bed earlier so I can do it

Welcome back :wave:

Well I’m having the same problem of going to bed too late, so I don’t really have good advice for you… except perhaps that if you’re really motivated to have some LDs, you have to tell yourself that you won’t have them if you keep going to bed that late. Perhaps drink some hot milk at a decent hour… it could make you more sleepy so there might be a bigger chance that you’ll find the motivation to drag you to bed a bit earlier :wink:
About becoming lucid… at first you have to check your dream recall. If it’s ok, then you can directly start with LD induction techs, but if you can’t remember at least one dream each night, it may be best to work on that at first. One of the best ways is autosuggestion: when you’re lying in bed in the evening, repeat to yourself that you will remember your dreams; keep repeating it and really believe what you’re thinking (don’t set your mind on automatic pilot).
About the LD induction itself… since you haven’t been trying to LD for a while, you need to boost up your critical attitude. I’d say the best way is to do lots of RCs until it becomes a habit. But do them very profound. Really question your reality, even if you know you’re awake. Imagine yourself discovering it IS a dream. Imagine what you might do next. Fly away? Walk through a wall? Do this several times a day, but be patient! It may take a while before this critical attitude towards your surrounding reality enters your subconsciousness and your dreams.
If you like, you can combine the RC technique with WBTB + MILD during the night. For more on them, you can check out the BIG Topics in the Quest for Lucidity forum.

Hope this helped :smile:

Good luck!

Thanks for the advice, yes I must try try to get to sleep earlier and I had a Lucid Dream the other night but that was a fluke hehe, but all is good