Getting up out of bed

[color=darkblue]DeadDuck, Eonnn… These are only your beliefs. You have no actual evidence that you leave your body or that it is dangerous. You are merely stating your opinion on the matter, so don’t presume I am wrong when I hold the opposite belief that you don’t actually leave your body and it is perfectly safe. I’m sorry, but this is just the sort of spiritual trite that I tend not to believe in. [/color]

[color=darkblue]It wouldn’t matter weather he was talking about LD’s, OBE’s or weather pigs could fly or not! The point I was trying to make was that there is no reason why anyone should believe such an unlikely philosophy without proof or evidence.

I will always be sceptical of people who just presume something is dangerous because of their own spiritual beliefs and not on actual fact. Since I don’t share your beliefs- I don’t believe anything like this could ever be considered dangerous and there is no evidence that you are really out of your body.

If you think you can- prove it! If not, it is simply a case of you holding your beliefs and me holding mine and then there is no right or wrong answer…[/color]

No other soul can take over your body. Your body only accepts yours. Possession is another thing, nothing to do with OBEs.

If the thing about larva is true, it would have been after me a long time ago.

Well, i believe it is the exact same thing as a WILD. The difference is that oobe believers believe that they actually leave their body while i believe it is a conscious dream.
And what is dangerous about it anyways? I have not heard of anyone getting hurt from it, even those who believe they are actually leaving their physical body.

Well, people would just mysteriously dissapear from oobe forums if what you said is true… And that does not happen more often than normal discussion forums.


well thats the thing about this subject, its very subjectional. All evidence gathered so far on this subject is based on peoples experiences. People might experience totally different things but the way they describe it is what leads other people to their own conclusions. There are many foums and articles on peoples experiences, so i would suggest reading up on that if you need more info. Its completely up to yourself, do you like to experiment with things and push the boundaries? or do you like to follow a straight path of what you know? just be aware that based on other AP/OBE forums i have read, there are a lot of people who have had bad experiences when trying to AP or OBE (but a lot of people with good experiences too!).

As for the larva thing…

I think its a distinct possibility… maybe not actual larva like a leech insect thingy but more like negative energy that clings on to and feeds off any other sort of energy it can. I thought they were called critters.

I forgot to mention.

Whether OBEs are real or not.

A couple of years ago, some people on a forum did a test. One of them placed a playing car on a windowsill with the picture side facing outside. He didn’t tell what card it was.

Since everything should stay exactly the same as IWL on the Astral Plane, all the others had to do was to AP and go to that person’s house and look at the card, then report back what card it was.

Many tried. Some didn’t manage to get there. The few who did, never saw the right card.

ive AP’d many times, and ive met a fair share of negative entities there harmless, they can not cause any damage or break your cord . the most they can do is cause fear and if you get scared they take advantage of it causing you to get frightened and you going back into your physical body. eventually you’ll learn to just ignore them and you wont fear them they just go away.And the astral plane isnt FILLED with negative entities theres many divine creatures which can aid you.There’s no dangers in AP and ive never heard of any.