The last weeks, WBTB MILD works very well for me. Nevertheless, I have a question: can you “get used” to a method (like when you do MILD every night) and can that be a bad thing? Every few nights I try MILD, I take a pause because I am very scared that it won’t work anymore.
Is that a good thought or doesn’t it matter how often you do it? Does using MILD suggestions get your mind to stop paying attention to it after a while?
It all depends if you’re honest in your attempts. If you just do it because it’s routine without really being involved in what you’re doing then it won’t work. This is especially dangerous with RCs, the genuinely critical attituted is essential there. And for MILD if you’re talking to yourself like a zombie “I will remember I’m dreaming” it’s useless. MILD should be done with all your attention and by using all your senses in fantasy and then I think it keeps working. Well I don’t have real problems with MILD. WBTB: have done it in the past for a few months and the effect didn’t wear off.
Yes,couldnt put it better.Dont be afraid to use same method all over again if it works but keep it strong and do it with honest motivation.
If it comes to lds having one method is far better than trying them all out without stopping on one for some time.Your mind needs to have something steady,something it can take clear messages from.
Its similar to going to hypnotist-you need to visit one few times till your mind gets used to his voice and methods,till you get comfortable with it,till u feel relaxed and in general you feel its ok.
Here and there its your mind needs you need to meet so resisting with one method wont do any damage at all but it can work bit less if you forget about being honest with it.
good luck:)