Gimme a little help

Everytime I decide that I’ll try lucid dreaming , I end up thinking about something else and have a non lucid dream .

What method do you use, if any?

The same thing happens to me. I set my alarms for various times of the night and when I use hypnogogic imagery and try thinking of Lucid dreaming, I inevitably succumb to ordinary sleep. And when I do dream I have no idea at all that I am dreaming. I never do a reality check because when I’m dreaming I don’t know that I’m dreaming. It’s frustrating but I keep trying. :smile:

All I can say is - when you realise that you’re not thinking about it any mroe, start thingking about it again. Only thing is, this can be quite hard if you’re nearly asleep.

Maybe try and make thinking about LDing more interessting somehow?

Dash Iros

You could try and visualize the dream you want to have as you are falling to sleep and tell your self that you will recognize you are dreaming.

What induction technique do you use? Maybe I can give better advice.

Could you be more specific Dash? When does this happen?

induction technique?
none I think. I’m good at remembering dreams , and they don’t feel like a memory (you know , when you wake than you remember your dream) to me . I can feel myself in the dream , the only problem is that I don’t realize Im dreaming …
I also keep a small dream diary

Dash Iros

Having good dream recall is a good start but, for most people it takes some effort to induce a LD. I suggest you start by reading as much as you can about LD ‘ing and find a technique that feels right for you and then practice diligently. LD ‘ing comes quickly for some while others struggle with it but, everyone does get it in time.

Good luck and happy dreaming

I see …

And do you take RC throughout the day? That helps too.

Oh, and remember - it can take a bit of time…

If you practice and have patients you will get there it just takes some time. No mater what happens just don’t give up. LD ‘ing is really an awesome experience and well worth the effort.

Good Luck

Once I realized that I often have the ability to use WILD if I’ve just started to wake up from a dream and I’m kind of in a half-asleep state. However, when I wake up I always immediately get up or move around. I decided that I would try to remember to attempt incuding an LD whenever I start to wake up. At first, I still would forget and move around. When this happened I would lie back down and try to induce an LD anyway.

As time went on, I started to remember to attempt LD induction sooner and sooner after waking up. A few times, I was able to successfully induce them because I remembered before even fully waking up. Hopefully I’ll get better at it over time.