
Ginseng should be added to the list, too. I have to work a lot now in December. Ginseng makes me able to stand longer at work wihout taking a break etc. It had an unexpected side effect too, my dream recall got a lot better! I can even remember dreams from the nights where I only slept for 4-5 hours! I have had a lucid dream and 2 half-lucid ones in 3 nights since I started taking it, too.

Does Ginseng affect you when you take it only once, or do you take it regularly? How much?

I take ginseng every day now in December, because it is so much to do at work. The bottle says it contains 20 mg of the actice substance in a daily dose. I can remember dreans from every night now, but I get more nightmares, too. It took me only 1 day of ginseng before I noticed more dreams.

I would have posted Ginseng in my recommendations, but I always thought that Ginseng was a natural energy booster that might make it more difficult to fall asleep. I noticed that even drinking Green Tea with ginger really zens me out, but because of the caffeine i found myself tossing and turning. But I suppose if you took ginseng earlier that day and the chemicals still remaining in your body may help out. Oo, and another thing, It’s said that smoking the weed doesn’t much help your dreaming or your dream recall, but eating it sure does! Make a real potent batch of sweets and you’ll notice it really makes a great dream inducer! Enjoy the taste of pure buddha, hah. :cool_laugh: