Girl in the red dress->Love dream topic

I have a DC that I have only met a fewtimes in my life. She always wears a red dress and every time I meet her I fall in love with her. I think she represents the “perfect girl” but I am not sure.

I was kinda wondering if anyone else has a DC that they have at one point become emotionally attached to and if they could share their experiences withthe rest of us.

I had a dream where I was extremely angry at a dream character, but not love.

Actually it was the exact opposite of love, I wanted them dead. I was with my twin brother and he messed up my lucid dream and I couldn’t do anything about him. I was super pissed at him.

That’s cool you see the girl in the red dress. When you look away from the girl does agent smith have a gun in your face like from matrix?

lol, yeah, The Matrix is what I thought of when I saw this…

But thats cool… None of my DC’s come in my dreams more than once unless its people from real life who I know…

yes I heard

i have a ND dream companion, who is usually female, never shows up in my LDs though.

Not sexual at all though. :sad:

I have a spirt guide named amber that has taught me a lot about myself,So I am kind of emotionally attached to her.

i used to have a sort of LD lover… ND sometimes too… but she disappeared eventually maybe because I started questioning the chances that there could be real “spirits” and stuff whilst lucid.

She changed shape and form and appearance all the time though… one time she was in black, told me something would happen on a specific date…

well she was right, that was when I had to go back to school, but I did not consciously know when school started… :confused:

we kind of had fun though I guess, but mainly just sex.

normally though only my friends are in my dreams… I tried to get some DCs to help me build a dream world once, i had an apartment complex sort of being run, but… most of the DCs didn’t want to work for me.