Give me your vision of the PERFECT Lucid Dream

Hello everyone. I am very motivated with my lucid dreaming, and as I am when I’m motivated so much to do something, I imagine how it will be.

So, it’s time to share!

This lucid dream doesn’t have to be on you’ve had, although it can be. Tell me all of the things that you would want to do when having an LD, having 100% full lucid awareness/vividness/control.

Here’s mine:

Also, list the technique you would use to induce this LD

I open my eyes and I’m in the dreamworld. This would be my fourth lucid dream, and I knew that it would be the longest. I immediately teleported to San Francisco. I was on the highest building. I stared at the scenery and it was amazing. The sky was a redish orange, much like real life, and the sun was closer to the earth than normal, but the heat wasn’t present. I glided off of the building and ascended into the clouds. I flew through the city and the flying felt amazing.

Soon after, I brought myself down to my school. The bell rang, and I was going to be late for class. I walked through the walls and into my first period classroom. I turned invisible, and I kept making things float. Everyone was freaked out.

I tried going to another class and talking to my friends, but they refused to accept that they were in an LD.

After staying the LD for a few dream days, I woke up willfully.

ok, ill be the first reply \o/
this would probably be my favourite and perfect LD.

i suddenly gain lucidity while being in school and writing an exam. i push my table in front of me away. the teacher will look confused, and so i tell him im dreaming. he wont understand, and so ill show him what i mean by drawing a circle on the board, filling it white white chalk and then jumping into it do disappear.
i come out in the caribbean sea, blue water, palms and so on. i walk over the water, and soon im far away from land, only water, the sun and me. ill form a chair out of water, enjoying the everlasting lucd dream. after some time, ill jump in the air to go itno the water, breathing the water and being a dolphin. ill swim fast, sometimes touching the surface…
then ill jump out of the water and be in a forest. everything is filled with light, i am a wolf. ill run, and soon some of my packmembers will join me. we run a long time, soon we are in my city. were walking the streets, everyone watches us, not frightend, just interested. we walk verticaly up, on the side of a building, and when were on top, ill grow wings and fly away. ill watch all the small people on the ground, they cant see me. im a dragon now, flying deeper. there are some people, ill burn then with my fire, eating them (they taste like chicken i hope, lol).
then ill be on a field, laying in the grass, chilling. ill do some RCs and have fun.

thats it for the moment, maybe ill add more soon…
i hope ill have this LD soon.

In my first LD I’ll try to set up this scene:

I’ll try to spawn myself on a beatiful beach by sunset, so the air has a nice dark red - purple colour. The next thing I’ll try to do is spawn a girl I love next to me and just chat to her. If that all goes good I’ll try do spawn a huge cloud of colourfull butterflies, just to see how it looks like, and I’ll try to make Saturn (with its rings ofcourse) visible and try to take her flying to those rings…

That would be my perfect LD :smile:

Wow… that was awesome.

[color=indigo]I’m walking outside on this street in my city. DC’s are walking past me, but I think they’re normal people. Suddenly, this man flies past me. [/color]“[color=red]Holy ■■■■[/color], that guy flew!!”
Then it strikes me… “[color=red]I’m lucid[/color]”
[color=olive]I pinch myself to see if it really is a dream or not. No pain. It’s a dream.[/color]

At this point, I say to myself “Behind me, a door shall appear”. I turn around, and a door is there (that rhymed :tongue: ). I now say to myself "Behind this door [color=orange]will[/color] be that place. (A place I really want to be at in my first LD). I open the door and step into it. Suddenly, I’m at that place. A strong feeling of joy arises within me. “[color=indigo]Yes![/color]”.

Now, the fun begins. I start to run really fast. I make a jump, and hold out my arms. I’m flying! It feels so awesome. The wind is slapping my skin in a gentle way. I see the ground below me.

Oh no!”. I’m starting to lose altitude. At this point, I start to become unfaitfhful in myself. Now I [color=red]crash[/color] at the ground. It doesn’t hurt though.

I stand up noticing I’m somewhere else. I have teleported without recognizing the landscape shifting in front of me. I look around. “Where am I?”. The grass is swaying as the wind whips it. The trees are lustrous and filled with a bright [color=green]green[/color] colour. It’s beautiful.

I walk around in the field with my arms hanging down. I can feel the texture of the grass. A very realistic feeling. At this point I’m oh so relaxed. I’m in paradise. I look up at the sky, seeing beautiful colours blending in each other. I see comets, stars, planets… They are so [color=violet]beautiful[/color].

Now, I decide to move on. I [color=red]snap[/color] my fingers, and I’m somewhere else. I’m at a plain field with newly cut grass. I can [color=violet]smell[/color] that aroma of summer.
I bring my hands out of my pockets (Why where my hands there?). I start to wave with my hands in thin air. Colours are the trails of the movement. I form a square. It levitates. Now a little list comes up in my view. It’s like my eyes are a monitors. I see different textures as thumbnails. I pick one. It’s wooden. Now the whole box is wooden, like a crate.

[color=indigo]SNAP[/color]. It falls to the ground. I just created a crate! It feels surreal, to have such power and vividness. Such reality, such HD quality. But I want more, so I yell “[color=green]HD quality!![/color]”. Nothing changes! “[color=indigo]HDR quality!!![/color]”. Now, my vision is amazing. I see everything in HDR quality. It’s [color=blue]astounding[/color], [color=cyan]amazing[/color], [color=red]exhilarating[/color]. I walk around in my dreamscape, just watching…

[color=orange]At this point, my dream ends (since I’m too lazy to write more). I wake up with joy.[/color]

[color=indigo]YES! My first lucid dream.[/color]

The best lucid dream I have had, was the first one I ever had. I had complete control of it, and it lasted for a long period of time. I flew and leviated stuff, however I still just did little stuff. I still have much to achieve.

My Ideal Lucid Dream: I enter a dream, and I realise I am dreaming immediately. I talk with a character named “lucid” that I haven’t met yet, I have only seen her once. I talk with my subconscious, or if the woman is my SC, then that’s two birds with one stone. I prolong the dream, for at least a month. :smile:
I do all this stuff:

  1. Transform into a dragon
  2. Grow wings
  3. Play Counter-Strike: Source
  4. Play Oblivion/become a vampire/join The Dark Brotherhood
  5. Go through training in order to master lucid dreaming
  6. I am the last male on the Earth and only people left are hot chicks. Nobody wears clothes anymore. :smile:
  7. Go to a deserted, beautiful island. With white sand and clear blue waters. And live on the island. Build a shelter, fire, and all that survival stuff.
  8. Meet my Future wife? (if I have one >.<) She could be with me on the island in #7 She doesn’t really like clothes. If she’s totally ugly, then I’ll have to take the idea from #6, but on the island
  9. Avatar the dream/movie
  10. Try stealing stuff, or try drugs

And lots lots more. Not in that order either, but you get the idea.

I’ll try for this one tonight. Hehe

Bow down - LD

[color=#970151]I find myself in a restaurant, with some DC’s eating. What should I do? I think of all the possibilities. I whip my arm around and a shock wave throws everything to the walls. “Bow down to your new overlord!” I yell. People are in shock. Some run away. I earth bend like in avatar, com[/com] and their feet are glued to the floor. I whip my arm downwards, causing everyone to bow. “I said bow down!” The DC’s have faces full of fear. I chuckle, and will the tables, chairs, and people to be placed normally again. “Consider yourselves lucky.”

I exit the restaurant, and think of what to do. I could visit my spirit guide, but then I realize this is just a inspirational LD and not a real one, so I don’t know what they look like. I start walking through the city until I come to a bakery. I will some money into my pocket, and buy some cookies. I eat them down and then levitate the crumbs into my mouth. I materialize a bar of gold and hand it to the cashier. “Keep the change,” I said.

I then exit the bakery. :eek: A giant robot is terrorizing the town. It looks like the robot from The Incredibles except unimaginably large. And purple. I decide to fly up and try to kill it. I stumble a few time flying, but then I become stable. I land on the robot, to see it’s being controlled by a guy inside, I hop inside the robot, and beat up the guy inside it. I throw him out of the robot, and take control of it. I start knocking down skyscrapers. People run in fear, and the military is shooting at me. I stomp a tank and throw it at another one. I start to get bored and exit the robot. I try for an SD, but then lucidity fails.[/color]

Well that’s my dream LD.

if i could have the level of lucidity that i wanted to have every night, i would definitely visit my very own fantasy world. i think it would be really cool if i was able to pull off a WILD.
one dream i would really love to have is to “Wake up” in my dream, finding myself in the dirt, standing up, and realizing that there id a massive lord of the ringsy type battle going on around me. i just think that it would be really cool to be lucid enough to see all of the detail in such a complex situation.
my ultimate lucid goal, is to be able to visit a “fantasy world” almost every night, and play out scenarios that would occur there.
idk, i just think that would be pretty sweet

In my perfect dream I want this to happen:

WILD Powered Dream

I wake up in my bed, do a reality check.
Everything sharpens, I start to feel the dream body and try to fasten the dream time so it feels a bit longer.
jump outta the window float really fast down. On the last part I will transform into a wolf and land on the Sandy rocks just before the road. I will then transform back into human and blast myself upwards, where I gain Ultra High Speed everything seems frozen.
After a time I arrive at an awesome world very similiare to ours I had long ago in a dream.
There I checked for water, jumped into it, and turn into a Zora ( Legend of Zelda Character ) And swim with fishies. After a while I go upwards and like a dolphin scoop over the water to the land farther up, I turn into human, go into the building, and use the ShapeShifting ability again to turn into several different people to fool around with them. I also will tell them it’s a dream, if they don’t believe I will freeze time, walk away and leave them there, too bad for them. :razz: After a few days in my dream I wake up…

my lucid dream would be kind of similar with just the sky being the color and the sun but i would be on a small world of psychidelic colors and grass and the sun would have a cool face and a shape of a peace sign and psychidelic. then i would roll into the lucid dream by going thru a teleporter mirror from real life to dream life. then i would run around everywhere and meet The Beatles, the band. Then I would hang out with them and my dream guide, who is named Mason, with palish skin and black shaggy hair and red eyes. He is half italian. We would fly around and turn invisible and look at clouds. There would be a different season on different parts of the world im in. All I have to do is use umbrellas and float into the different seasons. Then school would be run by the students and we would have big dances and no homework. Also when i am done there, i start to float and go back to normal life. But before I leave, me and Mason go see a Beatles concert backstage. Then I would return back to my bed in real world.

If I could, I would like to wake up in the place the fictional character I love lives.
There’s two things I’d like to do, and one of them is to speak to him and see how he reacts, and if I could really seduce him haha. I’d also like to just chat with him, but most of all, hug him, feel his hair, his skin…because I know I can feel real feelings in LD hehe that happened to me before. And since I can meet him only in dreams, I’d like to have my own experience and relationship with him.

What I like in LD, is that I don’t have the feeling of controling everything, so that if I ask him a question, I’ll feel like he’s really answering, and not like I’m making the whole thing up :smile:

I like to have flying LD too, those feel really great, I’d like to have one in the sea, with a similar feeling but knowing that i’m kind of swimming in the big blue ^^

I’ve already had a close to perfect LD. It wasn’t completely perfect: it was short, and I didn’t really get to do anything in it, but while it lasted it was the most incredible feeling in the world. I’ll quote a description of it I wrote a couple of years ago.

"I was standing on a snow peaked mountain top, the sun was shining in a cloudless sky, and I was looking across a vast green plain. It’s impossible to describe the feeling I got from it, never before or since have I seen anything so beautiful.

It looked and felt like real life, only better."

It really felt like I was standing on a mountain on top of the world. I think it felt so real because I experienced even small details such as the temperature of the air (it was cool and crisp). It only lasted for a matter of seconds, but for those seconds, it was perfection.

Quite a few forum members seem to really like oceans and beaches! :cool:

First, I’d like to go to the Lucid Crossroads again. Just paddle my feet in the pool, maybe on one of those plastic air-filled couches, and sipping a mango slushee. Instead of walking through the doors, I’d ask Glad to send in DC’s who have anything important to show or tell me, like a song or painting or story I can bring to the waking-life world – or some subconsciously absorbed fact I should check and consider.

If that gets done early, I’ll head down to the lucid dojo, first to spawn some tatami mats (because tatami feels nice) and then to practice Tai Chi until I wake up. If I’m feeling more adventurous than that, I’ll go relive some of my favorite ND’s or waking-life memories instead.