Give up trying for a while(it works!)

Hello fellow dreamers, I posted this topic to tell peeps how I became lucid for the first time (last night). Ya see, about a month or 2 ago I was REALLLYY, realllyyyy into LDing. I’d be on this site all the time, thinking about it all the time, saying mantra’s before sleepytime, etc. , and yet no luck for that month or 2. I got a bit fet up, and I gave it up(i know, i know, lol). When I gave it up I didn’t think about it whatsoever, didn’t talk about it, didn’t research, just forgot about this idea, and moved onto playin’ drums, baha. Although, a week after I gave up, I got my first ld! It’s crazy, I dunno. It couldve just been flooky, but I think giving up for a bit will really help. I dunno, worked for me. Just wanted to post it.

Hope I helped.
Dee Bee

True, that’s worked for me before. Glad you got to visit Lala Land first hand. :grin:

Hahaha. wickeeddd.

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt… :razz:

With other words, that didn’t work for me :grrr:
Glad it worked for you.

Yeahh, it was strange.

Ditto :peek:

Interesting. It might have just been a random fluke. But who knoews! It worked, so Im not complaining!!!


Dee bee

unfortuneatly. it does not work for me. I haven’t LD’d in over a year. I lost interest in it and i never had one while i was occupied with other hobbies. now im kinda back into it and still no luck. Guess my RC’s are just too few and far between.