A kid that goes to my school. He’s kinda mean to some people in the halls,(no, not me) and he’s really cocky, and everything goes his way and he doesn’t deserve it. I kinda wanna make something go wrong, without acully doing harm to him or his real life, thats too far, I don’t wanna sink to his level, but I don’t not wanna do anything. It would also be a useful skill to get others lucid because mightmares are typically good dream signs.
People like that deserve every nightmare they get !
Good luck giving that guy one!
I hope that he doesnt know anything about LD
ONLY if you are able to astral project, to where you could find their energy body floating around, and then basically spawn a nightmare onto them
if you really give someone a nightmare you will feel very bad about interfering so much
and you will open yourself up to retaliation in the future.
it can get very weird if dreams inter-tangle,
and it is also very bad karma to try to harm someone, spend your time focusing upon love
if you imagine something it comes to life, even if you see someone you really just don’t “like” if you send good feelings and good imaginations about them, and pretend in your mind they become a good person, then they do
but if you make them an enemy it makes them stronger
“If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly comprehend!”
I think that could be a little akward if they woke up when you were doing that. Just a little.
Just pretend they’ve had a false awakening and run away as they try to LD.
the funny thing is that might actually work.
i’ve found that i always have vivid and strange nightmares when i eat a lot before bed. like one time i was sitting watching tv in the middle of the night and a little kid just came up and yelled in my ear behind me. scared the crap out of me.
you xan do things in your dreams based on the fact that you think it will happen but if you are in somone elses dream then it is based on what they believe will happen, which , if they dont LD is most likly next to nothing
Coongrats WD hope you succede