Glad To Be Back

Hi Everybody,

I’m very happy to be returning to the forum, my foray into the real world did not go very well and I’m hoping that my mangled psyche :crazy: can find some peace here.

I see that there have been some big changes to the forum (store, members only area, smileys and seaLife). Lots of new avatars and some name changes also (tapir, . and Dark Matter), everything looks great.

My congratulations to Atheist on becoming a MOD. :ok:

I’m pleased to see so many new and familiar members and I am looking forward to many interesting conversations. I only have access to the PC every other day (mon, wed and fri) and weekends, but I will try and contribute as much as possible.

Well, I guess thats it, thanks. :alien:

A very warm welcome back, FireHorse, and thanks for the congrats. :smile:

PasQuale has been busy testing out a bunch of new features and design changes, but I guess you don’t really notice how much it’s changed until you’ve been away for a few months.

Anyway, I hope you settle back in ok.

Cheers. :happy:

Hi Firehorse :happy:

glad to see you back!

i guess you have a lot of reading up to do :wink:

New posts since last visit: 40.000 ? or something like that?

points to the “lucid dreaming guide” topic in the Lucid Lounge go go go!

Welcome back, I wasn’t here long enough to see your 200-or-so posts, but I’m sure they were interesting :smile:.

I only found “FH’s Rhymes” after you left. They are brilliant, I hope you are planning on adding some more. Welcome back.

Hey, I remember you! Welcome back! I er…

have been faithfully welcoming newbies er…
fulfilling my duties…

never mind. Well now you can do a better job or something. Or not.
Can’t come here every day and post anymore…

Welcome back, I don’t know you but hey! Welcome back :happy:

Same as BredonBa2…
Welcome back!!! :grin:

Welcome back FireHorse! :cool_laugh:
Your rhymes were truly brilliant indeed. It was a pleasure to read them :content:
I too hope you’ll post some more :peek:

firehorse yay WB! :content: :wiske: :peek: :grin: :cool_laugh:

Thanks everybody, it means a lot.

I noticed I got my posting days wrong, they are actually tues, thurs and weekends (I only mention it because I don’t want to seem like I am ignoring anyone.)

Anyway, mon, wed and fri are non-electronic days at my house, so on the other days I am almost hysterically happy to get my hands on the PC, which allows me to cope better when my PC crashes just before I’ve completed a extremely wordy, devilishly clever (yeah right) post.:alien:

Thanks again everybody, I’ll see ya around the forum.