Ever since my alarm clock unexplainably broke in the middle of the night a week ago I haven’t woken up at night at all. I’ve only had one lucid dream since I started over 3 months ago yet I’ve still managed to go to bed with a positive mindframe everynight. My dreams are getting less vivid (or so it seems). And I want to have a lucid dream SOO BAD!!!
Just as a really crazy thought, why don’t you get another alarm clock? I’m not here to start an argument, but in my opinion, it’s about 500% easier to have a lucid dream if you wake up several times during the night/morning. If you can’t get hold of an alarm clock (for some reason unapparent to me), look for another method of waking up early. Drink 4 glasses of water before bed, or use a watch/phone/PDA alarm.
That’s the thing; if i want to be a true lucid dreamer, i shouldn’t have to rely on an alarm clock. I would want them to be natural. I know people that don’t need alarm clocks and thats what i’m bitchin about. That i should face the facts, some of us are really lousy at this thing.
I’d h8 to be around you if after 10 months of trying you were still unsuccessful. I know one guy around heres had 5 lowlvl LDs in 10 months, and only one of mine, i mean his dreams was more than 10 seconds. My dream recall comes and goes but hopefully it’ll be awesome over the summer. The stress of university may hamper it so I got to enjoy my 2 months. Relax. Being stressed can hurt your sleep and that is not a good thing. Good luck and sweet dreams