Helloo, I’m quite new here, but I have noticed some things that I think some people are getting a bit wrong IMO.
(about my LD past, check the slagt.net/ld4all/viewtopic.php?t=1995 thread.)
I have found, during the years, that at least for me, the best way to get the most out of LDs is to learn to live by the flow of the dream.
Many people seem to be asking how they can learn to create places, people & so on in their dreams. I think this is completely contrary to the nature of dreaming.
I find it better to not try to affect the dream too much, but more like use what’s already there. (and it’s more fun that way! the element of surprise is great…)
Like, if I’m in the middle of a city and feel uninterested and would like to be somewhere else, I, instead of trying to completely shapeshift the landscape, just go through some door, window, etc, and see where my subconscious decides to lead me. Of course I make doorways like this for myself sometimes, but usually I (these days) try to take the LDs as they come, instead of trying to bend them to my will.
I used to try to take too much control years ago, and in addition to that, turn my LDing ability to some kind of scientific experiment about the nature of LDs etc. This ultimately led to a few years of not having LDs (amongst with maaany other things, of course).
So jump in a hole, fly through a window or float through the ceiling… You’ll be surprised how easy it is to avoid the “fading” with this kind of “portal” travelling.
Flying is good of course, but at least for me, if I’m in a forest and I start flying, I usually just get more and more forest instead of something different. If I instead happen to turn around and look at the trapdoor in the ground (hmm. it’s surprising how these things always turn up when you need them… so I guess it’s OK to manipulate the landscape just a bit) and jump through it, you might find yourself suddenly in some completely different place. (or the “void”, but from THERE, all the doors are open…)
It’s also a question of what you expect from your dreams. I find that very often I’m wanting for something different in LDs, even though I am of course always surrounded by things that are usually interesting, if I just decide to take interest in them. If you focus on something, it’s bound to get more concrete and interesting, usually.
This is the lesson I’ve been trying to learn, and with quite good success, lately. I’ve been seeing more LDs again, and I think it’s soon time to start the ole’good dream journal again
And just like in comic books, the best way the completely change the landscape (if I really want to for some reason) is “between the panels”. You know, those moments where you are not sure what’s going to happen next and what’s behind the next corner. A little nudge at those moments can have just the results you wanted
And the most important thing:!!
If something that you don’t like, happens, DON’T try to oppose it! Embrace it instead. It’s just you anyway…
I think the “ooh I really want to dream about dragons this night, I really want to dream about castles in the clouds this night”-thinking is very counterproductive and only leads to disappointment and confusion.
You WILL dream about those dragons & flying castles if that’s the thing your mind really needs & wants to work on.
And of course: try to live a full life with many experiences so that your brain has something to chew on
Phew. That’s another long one. You should see me talking : )