Good Dream Recall from Movies

Sup…I think I found out a way people can get out of dry spells with recalling dreams.

  1. Get a movie of any choice.
  2. Play the movie when you are going to bed.
  3. Try to fall asleep during the movie.
  4. Dream. :smile:
  5. Wake up and watch the movie.

When I do this, my dreams end up being like the movie I watch. When you watch the movie when you wake up, it will jog your memory. I suggest watching Inception :tongue:

Nice one… that should work. Problem is it all hangs on step 3… and I can’t. Also you need some time before and after going to bed, so It wouldn’t work on a daily basis. Still I like you idea.

Would be a good method for a friend of mine… she fell asleep while watching Avatar in a 3D IMAX theatre… that’s a talent…

Thanks Blenderman. I agree with you that this can’t be on a daily basis. I’m just going to try it on the weekends.
P.S.-going to sleep during Avatar!?!? She couldn’t last through all eleven hundred hours of the movie? :smile:

Why is everyone critisizing Avatar? It was a great movie… not perfect, but still pretty darn good… Strange no-one I talk to seems to like it because it still brought up so much money…

no critisizm, haha. It was a good movie, kinda long though.

Lol Inception, that movie ruined my dreams/ld


JayHaze, I’ve read somewhere about technique for dream recall that is similar in some way to your suggestion. It was very simple, although I’ve never try it.

So when you’re going in bed, take a glass of water and drink half, then tell yourself that when you drink the other half in the morning that you will recall your dreams.

There was pretty good feedback on this technique, like I said I’ve never try it, but your suggestion just remind me of this technique, and I thought I should post it.


Inception is so awesome its hard to fall asleep lol