Good lord, what a terrible dream

Yeah, a while ago I wondered if I could talk to god in a dream. Here are my depressing results.

I suddenly found I was dreaming LDed and called for god. He wouldn’t answer. I then asked for Jesus. He appeared on the horizon, and I ran to him. I asked the first question that came into my head knowing I had limited time. “Jesus, when I die will I go to Hell?” He turned to me and said; “I can guarantee you will go to Hell, and the world will be a better place when you do.” I was stunned. All other questions dissapeared and I experienced nothingness until I woke.

I was so depressed that day, what do you guys make of this? I didn’t think I was that big a bastard, to have god hate me!

aww, I bet that was depressing. I think I might feel a bit disappointed also.

Many people think that dreams are constructed from your own mind. Your dream character of Jesus or God was what your brain was expecting, or maybe fearing.

Have you ever had a dream and you thought “I hope this insert impossible event here doesn’t happens” and then it does? Or maybe you dream of seeing an asteroid, and you eventually notice it’s flying straight for your head?

In dreams your attitude, thoughts and fears can instantly take form in your dreamscape. If the flow of events in your dreams cause you to think “oh I hope this doesn’t happen” or “I hope he/she doesn’t say this” Well then, you are about to guarantee that this event happens.

The thought that is in your brain is what takes form in your dream. Your brain is busy creating the reality of your surroundings, and your reaction and emotions to these surroundings fuel the next ever changing step in your dream journey. More thoughts inspire more changes to the enviroment and charcters, those changes inspire more thoughts, etc. etc. This continued cycle of events is basically the structure of how dreams behave. From my perspective.

I’m convinced “other outside forces” can influence your dreams. However, I think your brain will always put it’s spin on things. I also don’t think if you draw a picture of God on paper that it is God. You must not think just because your brain can imagine an image of God that it is God.

Don’t be discouraged by your dream. From the last line in your post it’s no surprise you had the dream you did! :wink:

Don’t think God hates you! and don’t let a silly dream enforce that feeling.

Are you very religious?
I dont know much about dreams yet, but Im sure, if you see God/Jesus in a dream it probably isnt them (whether you believe in God or not) it will just be a dream version of them, created by your mind, so if there is a God, I dont see why he would hate you, (as long as you arent secretly a mass-murderer or something, lol)

So dont feel too bad about it and remember its just a dream.

Im sure Ive had a similar experience, in that I had a normal dream (Ive never had a lucid dream) where God was angry with me for some reason which I cant remember, I was kind of worried at the time, but it was just a dream :smile:

I think all this does is represent your uncertainty… you shouldn’t have to ASK if you are going to hell, should you?

I mean, that’s something you should “know”, you know? Basically according to xtian views if you believe in Jesus, you get into heaven… though different sects have different interpretations.

Now… back when I used to be a christian i always worried this wasn’t true, that I was going to end up in hell… I never really felt “saved” per se…

Just being somewhat uncertain enough to have to ask might be all the reason your mind needs to say YOU ARE GOING TO HELL

I think all it is is a reflection of your uncertainty… and I think if you met Jesus, and he was anything like the Bible portrayed him as being, he wouldn’t have said that to you at all… he would have rather said something forgiving to you and told you something positive, or told you something to do to turn your life around, etc.

and hey, you could have been talking to the devil.

“Jesus” said:
“I can guarantee you will go to Hell, and the world will be a better place when you do.”

Maybe he was speaking in a different time tense. Did you feel like you were in ‘hell’ after he said that? Maybe thats what he meant there.

The world a better place once you do? Maybe once you have returned from this ‘hell’ the world will seem better, brighter :content:

I feel sad for ya man. Dont let words let you down! THE ONLY GOOD THING IN THE FUTURE IS UNCERTAINTY! plus if you ask me that dont sound no jesus to me man. Maybe a DC fooling ya or one you made up. Just remember GOD LOVES U AND CAN FORGIVE U! :happy:

Thanks for your reassurance, I didn’t want to post this rather embarassing dream on the net…

Maybe I had a warped veiw of god because I’m at a sucky Catholic school (I am not worthy, I am not worthy etc) and I’ve had bad experiences with every christian fanatic I’ve met. Thanks anyway. Oh, and I wasn’t implying I am a complete bastard, I was just shocked to hear ‘god’ say that to me.

i’m planning on making my own realm with sandy beaches and naked girls… if god doesn’t let you into heaven, you can come hang out w/ me :sly:

but seriously, i was raised catholic but have since found a path that works better for me, but i do know all about the infamous “catholic guilt”… shrug it off… it’s okay to laugh :smile:

that realm sounds nice, i think i’ll try to go there when i die, or better yet, tonight :happy:

Thanks for the invitation, I’d probably be shunned by the chicks though :sad:

Thats it!! that’s the attitude I pointed out earlier. I’m sorry if I seem to be analysing you, but I just hate to see a poor attitude disrupt a person’s dreams.

You create your own reality here as much as in the dream world. If you think you will be “shunned,” you will be.

I like someone’s (I think it’s Johan S.) signature around here that says:
“You can think you can or can’t, but either way you are right.”

points to sig :content:

haha, thanks Atheist. I thought it was one of our Mods. :smile:

I don’t mind being analysed, maybe I need it.

if you’re going to hell…there’s no point worrying or being depressed or afraid, you’ll still get to hell even if you’re happy so why not be happy? :tongue:

if ‘god’ created a hell (you would argue satan created hell, but god created satan(as an angel), in full knowledge(he knows all right?) that satan would create hell, so basically god created hell)
in full knowledge (he knows all right?) of who would go to hell,
then basically god put certain people on the waiting list for hell as soon as they were created…hmmm merciful?

if you argue ‘he gave us free will’, ok i’ll agree…it’s free will he sends us to hell for exercising?

good and evil can’t exist without something else to judge it as so…
and so either god or something created good and evil from a lack of controlling their own judgement, or we did by using ‘free will’ :tongue:

sorry, if i offended anyone(this post is half a sarcastic joke… :cool_laugh: )
if i did, get some control of your emotions dammit! :tongue:


But all this aside… you believe in Jesus… (i’ve said this before though, I’m just reiterating since I decided to verbally agree with what was just said)… Jesus was not Biblically made out to be a mean man, or a hateful man, or a harsh man… he never met a sinner and told him that sinner was going to hell, and he never rubbed his sins in his face. Rather he showed patience and love to that person, showed him the err of his ways, tried to “convert” him if you will.

Jesus was quite the cool guy as far as the Bible goes…

SO does that really sound like something Jesus would tell you, especially if you believe in him?

Not if the Bible was accurate… and sure maybe Jesus is actually Satan and wanted to trap people to hell by starting a religion known as Christianity, who knows… maybe he was a concept invented by some powerful people in some sort of conspiracy.

We don’t know… but since I take you for a Christian, you place some faith in the Bible, and in what it says about Jesus, so there is no reason to think that would have really been him.

Hey it could have been me even, a while ago I had an LD where I was in a church and some bands were writing a song about hell, which had a very negative and mean message to it, I yelled at them and said I was Jesus or something and walked on water and made some sort of energy/chi explosion which knocked us all unconscious for a few moments…

I was trying to make some sort of point though like Jesus wouldn’t approve of what they were doing and how they were trying to win “faith” or something.

I forget exactly what I said to them, but it was a fairly fun dream.

I never told anyone they were going to hell I dont’ t hink though, but who knows. :content:

It could have been Jesus/God/Satan/an evil pixie dressed up as Jesus/Me/your mind/some foreign guy named Jesus (pronounced hey zeus), not the real Jesus… or the Jesus from or… you get the picture.

It’s nothing to worry about.

Yeah, I always wondered why god would make us all imperfect and then punish us for it.