got a schoolproject for me?

Ok, this is stupid, but I could use some help:

I need to do a a project in english class. Basically it can be about anything, but my teacher needs to agree to it.
I asked him to do something about “The Doors” which didn’t seem too difficult to present in front of the class (could bring some music etc). Problem is, I need to write about 5 or 6 pages about it, which seems very hard for me.
Now I am completely out of ideas. I don’t really feel like doing another speech on LDing, but perhaps this is the easiest possibility.

So, anyone got either a great idea or perhaps some (preferably long) paper on dreaming that he has written himself, so I can use that as “text” and only need to prepare the speech? :grin:

lazy and uncreative greetings

Did you write about their climb to fame?

jim morrison is awesome, but anyway. Why not just expand it to rock n roll in that few years or so, then you could get in a few artists and there would be more to write on.

I talked to my teacher, I can’t do it about dreams anyways. I guess I just have to write as much as possible, include some other bands or stuff


include various bands from that time period… their is so much you can talk about. the bands of that era are the best in my opinion, you got the doors, jimi hendrix, janis joplin, the who, the beatles… anyways, good to see a fan of great music on here

I did a report on him in high school. mine was only about 3 pages though. God he was hot.

is it doublespaced?

use 12 point font double spaced in proper MLA format, if you can do that.

that includes about half a page taken up like

student so and so

Professor so and so

class so and so and so

date the paper was written

centered title

begin body.

i’m sure you could spend 5-6 pages if you found some song/lyric analysis online and integrated it into your paper… and you’d have to cite it, providing it’s a “real” english class.