GPS for People in Lucid Dreams

Whenever there is a specific person I want to interact with or talk to in a lucid dream (whether it is someone I know personally or a fictional character), I use other dream characters as a sort of GPS.

If you ask them “Can you tell me where to find <insert person’s name here>”, they will tell you exactly where to find them. It has worked for me several times. I used to call out that person’s name to get them to show up, but it doesn’t work most of the time for me. Either that or they will appear somewhat disfigured. Weird!

Is there anyone who has had something similar happen to them? What else works?

If I need to find a person in my dreams I know exactly where I have to go and how to get there, once I used a method by flying out in outer space and pointing on Earth as a globe where I have to go and it is Quite accurate :razz:

Mirrors or simple teleporting are also ways that work to find people, but sometimes you only need to think of the person you want to meet to have that person appear :razz:

You can also try to “know”, that the person you are looking for is just behind that corner, or that door. Saying “oh, yeah, she is right behind me” and turning around should also work.

Same here i am just thinking for particular person to whom i want to meet…

I really like this idea! Also, I have been able to summon by looking away, but I don’t think the features are right or it’s not that exact person.
So I’m definitely going to try this, because I really think it’ll work because it’s like incubating a character in your dream, by asking a DC they basically make the character appear. you expect them!

Yes try it it really helpful… :smile: