When you are lucid, some great questions to ask dream characters:
What does it feel like to be in my dream?
What are my best qualities?
My worst?
What should I do with my life?
What would make me happiest?
How can I do X, Y, & Z?
How can I have more frequent lucid dreams?
Can you send me a dream guide every night so I can navigate my dreams more effectively?
Ask these questions and see what the characters say? As many of you might already know, although you can consciously control what you do, sometimes, the landscape and people have minds/actions of their own. They do things that you do not consciously control.
But you must ask yourself, who is controlling everything. Maybe it’s a higher source or another word. More likely, it is your subconsious talking. Even still, this is invaluable feedback. You’re basically having a conversation with your brain. Your deepest self has access to thoughts and desires that your conscious self does not. A dream character might advise you to join the circus or start a coffee shop or go back to your girlfriend, or call an estranged loved one. Regardless of what you hear, you should seriously heed this advice. Your brain is telling you this stuff for a reason.
Try it. I’d be interested to hear what kind of feedback you guys get. It’s sometimes hard to remember to ask these questions when flying, sex, and food (yes…food. dream food is amazing. it’s never overcooked or dry) seem so inticing. But for those of you who believe that lucid dreaming can offer more than just entertainment, I seriously encourage you to venture into your soul more and know yourself that much better.
Thats a great idea I talk to DC’s about them being in my dreams - or like the last one…I fell out of lucidity and the DC reminded me…lol, but it has never occured to me to question them. Will def try to remeber to do next time.
I cant wait for another ld just to ask two last questions.Been trying in every ld ive had but with little success.They seem to understand what im trying to find out but the unswers are usually completely not understandable.They start to mumble or walk away or act weirdly.
I love the idea talking to dcs:)
Me: “Hey look! I’m dreaming!”
Mom: “I don’t believe you”
Since she didn’t believe me, we do a little RC: I let her read some text and see some changing in the letters. After I’d confronted her with this, she said to my astonishment: “You’re dreaming yes, but I’m not. I simply don’t exist.”
Talking to dream characters is my next goal after I learn how to prolong my lds. They’re so short that I usually don’t have time to talk to my dream world populace.
Weird that you mentioned that second one. Last night I had a dream where a dream character walked up to me and said, “You know what people like most about you? You’re quiet and you’re talkative.”
Alex: Wow, your lucky, you have to teach me how to do those!
after he said that i just decided to get outta the house and do some stuff… then i showed him i can puch a train telekenesesly (ie: with my mind, for those who didnt understand the word i was tryign to prounounce
Ok, I’ve got some more. They’d be pretty interesting. You could try asking someone what their favourite food/film/animal/whatever is, and see if it corresponds with yours. Ask them what sort of person they are (DC’s are supposed to represent a certain part of you, aren’t they?). And finally, ask them what they were doing 10 minutes ago/a week ago/yesterday. Or what they’re planning to do this weekend, or whatever.